"Hi" neddbear walked up beside moore.


"No" neddbear scrunched his nose. Orville walked in."He was right beside the dude that got shot" walked went into the locker room.

"Dective moore approaches dude" moore stopped in front of orville.

"Hello?" Detective moore grabbed orville by the collar of his shirt.

"DID YOU SHOOT THE MAN" detective moore let go of the collar on his shirt.

"What? No the gun shot was from the alley" orville huffed and walked past moore.

"Detective moore walks into the alley"

"Why is he talking like that" happy frog shut her locker door.

"I don't know because hes a detective he feels more special then other people "rockstar chica applied lipstick. Happy frog forgot her bandaid around her nose. She opened her bandaid holder and seen that it had only enough left for tomorrow.

Everyone came out to the main part of the building. Henry walked out.

"Okay everyone moore will be trying to solve our case today". "So he'll be sticking around most of the day" henry walked away."if you guys need me I'll be in my office" henry walked into his office.

Detective moore walked into the alley. "Omg a gun this could be the weapon" he picked it up and dropped it into the bag.

"Hey don't touch that!" Scrapbaby walked behide moore. Moore turned around and looked up at scrapbaby.

"Did you shoot the man?" Moore squinted.

"Yeah what are you going to do about it arrest me?" Scrapbaby laughed. Five minutes later scrapbaby was getting surrounded by pest control people.

"Aww look at my girl getting arrested" scraptraps eyes sparkled.

"Shouldn't we help her" molten freddy looked at scraptrap.

"No my girl will be okay" scraptrap drank some Pepsi he found out of the dumpster. The pest control and police drove away.

"You sure she'll be okay?"

"Omg she got arrested! Dont worry dad is coming" scraptrap ran two miles from the alley and was already out of breath. "Nevermind hold that thought"

"Come on" molten freddy picked up scraptrap and ran away.

"Omg so romantic" scraptrap blushed. Molten freddy turned a little green.

"Never say that again please"

"So do you think we'll do anything special for halloween?" Happy frog and neddbear were sitting behind the curtains waiting for their turn.

"Henry might make us pass out candy or something" neddbear laughed. "Me and the boys are going to have a college party tonight you should come" neddbear smiled.

"No thanks I'm good" happy frog laughed. "I have plans with funtime chica and uh rockstar foxy"

"Oh okay" neddbear went out on stage with pigpatch. Happy frog didn't really have plans with them. But she also didn't want to go to some part where a bunch of adults get drunk.

"Hey girl!" Funtime chica sat beside happy frog.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" happy frog asked.

"I'm going to pass put candy here because henry asked me to do it" Funtime chica smiled. "You should help"

"No I need to get into the basement here" happy frog gripped the sides of her chair.

FNaF//Scrap That!/// Pizza Simulator auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon