My uncle making me going to the hockey practice

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My uncle made me go to the most boring practice ever. Today was my 17th birthday and my parents made me go to hockey practice with my uncle. My uncle was awesome but I hate it when I get pushed into something I don't want to do. He just started being a coach for the new hockey team at my school. It was awesome because I saw boys that were 1 year or even 2 years older than me. It was awesome but I saw one boy that caught my eye. I got ice skates from the front desk. I said thank you. I put them on and I started to skate before my uncle and the other boys came on the ice. I braked on my skates on the ice and then I fell down. My uncle went to help me up. "Really Rubye you had to go on the ice." Uncle Joe said. "I wanted to skate on the ice for my 17th birthday." I said while my jeans were soaking wet. From the water on the ice. All the boys laughed at me but one of them didn't. "Guys stop. She's the coach's niece. So chill." Brody Winston said. They all stopped laughing at me. "Everyone 10 laps around the ice NOW! Except my niece and Winston." Uncle Joe said. Brody Winston wanted to touch me but my last relationship didn't go well. I got abused by him and he made me feel bad about myself. He called me fat and ugly. He touched my thigh and I skated away from him. He said to himself what's wrong with her. I got in the penalty box and started crying and got flashbacks. Rubye you are ugly and a piece of shit. I can't believe you gained some weight again. You little slut and whore. You are just like your step mom. You deserve beatings and cuts so you remember it. I wish I wasn't with you piece of shit. I don't love you you should just commit suicide already. End of my flashbacks. I looked up and saw my uncle and the boys. My uncle knew about my past relationship. It was between me and Hudson McNatt. He hugged me and the relationship was a year ago. "Thanks Uncle Joe and I love you." I said. "Your welcome and I love you too Rubye." Uncle Joe said. I got out of the penalty box. "Who wants to play hockey." Ethan Matthews said. I got a hockey stick out and I played the boys. So hard. One of them pushed me over the railing on the sidelines. His name was Dean Portman. He then found out that was the coach's niece. He also found out that I'm a girl. "I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was thinking. Wow your a hot girl. I'm Dean Portman." Dean said. "It's fine Dean I'm Rubye Porter. The coach's niece and he's my uncle." I said while shaking his hand. My uncle came up to see if I'm okay. I nodded my head yes. I jumped over the railing. Their first game is in 30 minutes. The other team came on the ice. "Look what we have here. Isn't a girl supposed to be in the stands. To look at all of us hot boys. Before you speak sweetheart I think you need to go sit on the sidelines." Adam Banks said. "You think that this hot girl can't be on the ice. Because she looks like a girly girl. No you are wrong Adam Banks." I said then I balanced on one foot. Then I put my sharp skate in his thing. "Owwwwwwwww! That hurts you know. Owwwwwwwww!" Adam Banks said. "Oops sorry I didn't mean to. But you shouldn't mess with a Porter." I said while taking my skate out of his dick. I then saw blood and I started to cry. Because I hurt someone. I skated away from him and everyone else. The guys skated to me. But I got off of the rink. I was just like my ex boyfriend hurting people. I wasn't violent or anything. But I was pissed of at Adam Banks so I had to do it. But I did get in my first ever fight 4 years ago. I was only 13 when I got into that fight so yeah. I went to the locker room and started crying. I was also getting flashbacks. End of my flashbacks. I look up to see all the boys looking at me. The boys came in the locker room and saw my eyes puffy and red. "Hey Rubye can we ask you why you did that." Dean said. "I'm just like my ex boyfriend hurting people." I said while holding my head down. Adam Banks then walked up to me and lifted my head up. He then kissed me and I pulled back. "Come on Rubye we have something to show you." Adam Banks said. I followed the boys and saw Dean Portman. In the middle of the rink. There was a sign and it said WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND. I skated to him. He held my hands. "Rubye Porter with you be my girlfriend." Dean Portman said. I nodded my head yes. He then kissed me. The team was so happy for us. That they all pushed us on the ice. We both fell down and he was on top off me. I started to laugh for the first time in 4 years. The reason why is that my grandmother died. When I was 13. He picked me up and we started to skate around. I saw the girly girls and I stopped skating. Then one of the girls kissed Adam Banks. He pulled back from the kiss. "Why did you do that babe." Emily McBride said. "Because we are done. I also kissed a another girl. You see that girl on the ice rink that is the girl I kissed. But now she has a boyfriend." Adam Banks said. "Omg you kissed her. She's ugly and fat." Emily said. I skated to Emily and I slapped her right across the face. "I hate when people call me fat and ugly. So you better not touch him." I said. We then started the hockey game. I cheered on Dean Portman my one and only boyfriend. My uncle called me on my phone and said that I needed to get on the ice. With my jersey and everything else on. I got on the ice and Banks stared at me. The referee put the puck on the ice and I pushed Adam Banks. He cried in pain. I then scored for my team. Adam then skated to me and pushed me against the wall. I got up and took of the helmet off. "What the fuck is wrong with you." I said while holding my helmet. He started to choke me. He then had to go in the penalty box. Dean Portman my boyfriend rushed over to me. I was wincing in pain. My uncle rushed over to me. I looked down and saw that my pussy was wet. It wasn't because of the ice. It was because my boyfriend is standing in between my legs. I started coughing because I got choked. My boyfriend helped me up. I looked at everyone in the stands and they looked shocked. To see a girl on the hockey team. My dad was in the audience. I put my helmet on and skated to my uncle. He told us the plan. I got the puck from the referee. I scored for my team again. Then Adam Banks got out of the penalty box. He went over to me and took my helmet off of me. Then pushed me against the glass wall. That separates the audience from the hockey team. I broke the glass and I had blood dripping from my body. Adam Banks got put back in the penalty box. My dad, my uncles, my aunts, boyfriend, cousins, and mom rushed over to I was. I was crying and trying to get up. My boyfriend carried me out of the rink. We also won the game. I was dripping blood all of my boyfriend. The game was 56-13 we got a lot of the scores and half of them are half court shots. Dean carried me to his truck and I started to cry as he set me down. He then started to drive me to the hospital. My family following behind us. Dean was holding my hand and he tried to calm me down. But didn't work and I was still dripping blood. Blood was now staining my jersey and it was scaring me. We finally arrived at the hospital. Dean rushed me in the hospital. "Rubye Porter and she has glass everywhere. On her body." Dean said while holding me. "Okay we'll get her in as so has possible. But it will 5 minutes before we can see her." The nurse said. It has been five minutes. I was in surgery and my family rushed in. "Where is she Dean?" Uncle Joe said. "She's in surgery right now. They said it will be about 3-4 hours that she has to be in surgery." Dean said while crying. Then my family went to help him stop crying. He finally is calmed down. The doctor can out about 3 hours later. "She's okay but she had a lot of glass in her. Also she wants to see Dean Portman and Terry Porter. Also she wants to see Cindy Porter." The doctor said. They all followed him to my room. They all went in my room and saw me asleep. "Thank you God for my daughter. That she is still with us." My dad said while holding my hand. I woke up to see my mom, dad, and my boyfriend. "Hey guys. Did the surgery go well." I said while sitting up. They all nodded their head yes. I start trying to move but I couldn't. I flipped the covers up and saw that my legs are bandaged up. "Mom when can I leave here." I said while crying. Because I've been scared to go to hospitals. Because my grandmother died in this hospital. "We can go home in a few minutes." My mom said. "Rubye we have a surprise for you. Close your eyes." My dad said. I closed my eyes. "You can open them." My mom said. I opened them and saw Vinnie Hacker. "Your parents texted me on Twitter. They said that you got hurt at a hockey game. I'm giving you these. I want you to remember that I was here." Vinnie said while giving me his necklaces and rings. "Thank you Vinnie. Your actually not gonna believe me. But your my idol." I said while crying. He put the necklaces. He put on the rings on my hands. "Now I have one more thing before I go. Your parents finally agreed. That you can have a tattoo. So you can get a matching one with me." Vinnie said. I then got out of the hospital and we went to a tattoo parlor. "How may I help you guys." The person behind the counter said. "Rubye and I would like matching tattoos." Vinnie said. She led us back to where we get our tattoos. Vinnie picked out the matching tattoo we are getting. It was a cross and we can get each others name. We both got ready and we both got it on our calf muscle. It took 20 minutes and we showed each other. Vinnie hugged me and I was so happy that I got to spend. A hour with him. "Thank you Vinnie for doing this for me. I really will remember this day forever. Can you come visit me and see me play hockey." I said. "One more thing Rubye. Happy birthday to you. I wanted you to spend this day with me." Vinnie said while giving me a gift. I opened it and there was a bracelet that said I HOPE YOU REMEMBER ME FOR YEARS TO COME. ALSO RUBYE YOUR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL I EVER SEEN. HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY. LOVE VINNIE. I started crying because he gave me the most beautiful bracelet. Vinnie hugged me again. We then walked out to saw my parents and my boyfriend. Vinnie then payed for the tattoos. "Hope you had a amazing birthday with me Rubye. I now have to go back to LA." Vinnie said. I gave on last hug goodbye. "Baby ready to go back to the rink." Dean Portman said. I nodded my head yes. I linked my hand in his hand. I waved bye to Vinnie Hacker. I had an amazing 17th birthday. Dean turns 19 in 2 days. I walked over to Dean's truck and got in. I was really happy for the first time in 4 years. I had my necklace that has my grandmother's ashes in it and started crying. "Baby what's wrong." Dean said. "It just that my grandmother hasn't been here since 2021. My grandmother missed 3 of my birthdays." I said while crying. He held my hand and calmed me down. We got to the ice rink and saw Adam Banks on the ice. I got my skates and he saw me. I started skating around. My family saw me skating and they are so proud of me. Dean finally came on the ice. Stopped me and kissed me. We started skating together. I started skating backwards. Dean was still holding my hand. I then let go of his hand. Grabbed a hockey stick and a puck. Then started playing hockey and then started shooting the puck. My parents didn't realize that I was good at hockey. Dean started seeing that I do well at hockey. I turned around at shot it backwards. I started skating and my boyfriend was trying to block me. But then I shot it half court. My boyfriend was shocked. "How did you that? You never played hockey before but how." Dean said. "I saw a lot of hockey games on YouTube. Then started out doing roller blading hockey. Then did ice hockey." I said while giving my boyfriend a hug. My mom came down. From the top of the bleachers. "Good job Rubye." My mom said. Then my step mom came down from the same place. "I'm so proud of you Rubye." Mrs. Jena my step mom said. Then the rest of them said good job and I'm so proud of you. My uncle came up to me. "Rubye since you know how to play hockey so well. Do you want to be on the hockey team? If it's fine with your dad and mom." Uncle Joe said. My mom and dad both nodded their heads yes. I got so excited and I started skating around the rink. I got back where my uncle, boyfriend, and parents were. "Thanks mom and dad." I said while being excited. Then the other team showed up. I got really nervous because I'm the only girl on the team. I got my jersey and other stuff on. I got my hockey stick and I gave Dean a kiss. Before I put my helmet on. I then knew the plan. I skated to where the referee is. He then dropped the puck and I got it. I skated to the goal and shot it. After the game. Our team won 45-12.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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