S.O.G.A Units Pt.1

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Elite Infantry Unit: The main troops of the S.O.G.A, there spread all around the world in large numbers, put through hell, then enjoy hell, these soldiers of a devils army, willing to give up there lives for the end of corruption and evil, they fight to give light and hope to those who have been in the darkness of corruption or evil for too long, 6 months of training with S.O.S.O Operators, making them run mountain after mountain, miles and miles, with full gear, break them over and over again, until they get used to it, or give out, but either way, tough body structure isn't the only requirement, 2 months of shooting, how to manage weapons, every weapons must known to them, how they work and how to disassemble and reassemble weapons, reload them in the quickest way possible, even under pressure, and many other way of strategies to handle fire fights and any combat warfare, 1 month of hand to hand combat, and learn to use a combat knife or use any melee weapon available to them, 2 month of environmental immunity training, depending as to where you'll be position, example, The deserts of Egypt, you'll be left there for two months, leaving you with little resources to live off of, then 1 month of technician and management of vehicles and sometimes, hacking is involved, this is required as well to hijack vehicles or how to enter enemy bases, disable enemy vehicles and sabotage.

High Class Elite Infantry: After 2 Months of being Elite Infantry, 50 percent of the new and fresh recruited Elite will be chosen to enter the High class program, through here, 5 months of being in the program, they are expected to we're there arm...

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High Class Elite Infantry: After 2 Months of being Elite Infantry, 50 percent of the new and fresh recruited Elite will be chosen to enter the High class program, through here, 5 months of being in the program, they are expected to we're there armor 24/7 and only take it off for rest, breaks or sleeping hours, but for the rest of the time, they must keep in on, they must run in that armor for miles without stopping, the rate of recruits that get through the program is 40 percent.

Base Guardsmen: Base Guardsmen are the true defenders of the castle, the ones who don't dare to loose there territory, they die defending what's rightfully there's, equipped with powerful and advanced weapons, tough armor to withstand multiple sho...

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Base Guardsmen: Base Guardsmen are the true defenders of the castle, the ones who don't dare to loose there territory, they die defending what's rightfully there's, equipped with powerful and advanced weapons, tough armor to withstand multiple shot and shotgun hit up close, there training is two times harder then a High Class Elite Infantry and Elite Infantry training combined, this unit is meant to defend the bases there assigned to and do counter attacks, strength and bravery is what they represent in combat, and never falter.

End of Part 1

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End of Part 1

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