"I don't have one," She lied. "I catch the bus. Cardio's good for the heart." To herself, she added, "Gotta get those steps up."

"I can hear your heartbeat witch." He heard the lie in its rapid pounding. "The truth this time."

"Or what?"

"I don't like to repeat myself."

Right, he'd kill her friends. How could she forget?

She pointed towards a yellow Volkswagen beetle. Looking between the man and the car, she wasn't entirely sure that the man would fit. He wasn't bulky, but he was huge. His biceps alone were enormous. He clearly thought the same thing. She could've sworn she'd seen a muscle in his jaw tic.

Pity. If she'd known she'd be kidnapped by a werewolf in advance, she could've prepared.

He prodded her forwards. On her way to the driver's side, she made her mind up. She was going to run. It was her only option. But he knew it was coming.

Towering over the car, he gave her a look of warning. "Don't even try it witch. You could never outrun me."

"You can't know that."

"I can run for miles without tiring." He looked her up and down. "I doubt you'd last five minutes." Okay, rude. The fact that it was true didn't even matter. He was a bastard all the same. "And should you by chance evade me, I'd track you by scent." She was hit by the odd need to smell herself.

"I could mystically cover my tracks."

He sneered over the car roof. "Do you think your magics would hide you from a King?"

Yep, she hated him. It was decided.

But that did spark the suspicion. How had he found her? Evie wasn't stupid. If her magic had covered her for the last thirty years, then it should still be ticking by just fine. She refused to believe the werewolves had succeeded in what no other species could. Definitely not with their lack of magical knowledge. There was something more here.

The wolves knew nothing about magic.

Stiffly, she slipped into the car. At least she got some enjoyment from watching him struggle.

"Where to, your highness? There's a taxidermists down the road. I could drop you off there for free."

She'd pay out of her own pocket to see this wolf be culled and stuffed.

"Watch it witch," He said, still struggling with the whole height issue at hand. "You don't need your tongue to be bait."

It would regrow- with time- but still.

Her hands clenched around the wheel.

It was worse this way. He was having her drive to her own doom.

Talk about torture techniques...

"Where to?"

"How do you communicate with your Queen?"

She had no choice but to tell him. Those overhanging threats and all. "The old fashioned way."

"By book?"


Witches, and most other species, communicated by enchanted books. All she had to do was write in her copy and Annaliese would see it in another. Likewise, anything her Queen wrote would appear in Evie's copy. Veneficus avoided reliance on phones. They were too easy to intercept.

"Where is it?"

"At my home."

"Then you'll take me there."

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