Class One

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{Samantha's pov}
"Sam don't be like that" Ella rolls her eyes at me.
"I just don't want to be the third wheel like last time ella, you ditched me for jason"
"I won't ditch you again. And besides that was when we first started going out"
"whatever" I unlock my locker and get my books out for next class, which was sadly history.
I can't believe my second last year of high school went so fast. I'm already 17 in year 12. My last year until I leave this prison of a school.
"I like seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they hug their friends after the break" ella points out to the two 9th grade girls laughing while embracing each other in a hug. I smile and nod agreeing to her statement.
"Babe!" The sound of a manly voice yells. Mine and Ella's attention was drawn to the familiar guy who wrapped his arms around my best friend
"Stop squishing my best friend! I need her to help we get the answers for our maths tests" I joke locking my locker. I giggle as Jason hugged me from the behind
"Oh sammy you can't tell me not to hug my girlfriend" he laughs.
Jason is a close friend of mine. Not as close as ella. I introduced them to Each other so when they get married and have crazy children they better give me the credit of getting them two to meet.
"Babe what class do you have?" Ella asks as Jason wrapped his arm around her waist
"Maths" he pouts but Ella's eyes lighten
"Me too"
"I guess I'm the only one with history" I sadly pout
"Hahaha loser" Jason jokes
"But you have maths, that's just as worse" I laugh. Then my eyes were covered with someone's hands. I instantly knew who it was.
"Guess who?"
"CAM!" I cheer turning around to face him and give him a hug. After that he went and greeted Ella and Jason. This was our group. 'Friendship circle' is what people call it. It was just us four but we liked it.
"Look who's coming over" Cameron chuckles and the girls walking past. And of course those girls were the 'mean girls' of the school. That's what everyone's addresses them by.
Stacy, the leader. Blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Her dad owners a famous record label and she's stinking rich and meets all the famous celebrities. Her followers are leo, brown hair and brown eyes but still gorgeous. And Sarah, she might be pretty stupid but she's 'hot' .
"Let's go before trouble starts" I roll my eyes and we all leave our separate ways to class.
"Ewwww!" Ella and I cringe at Jason and Cameron, who dipped their fries in a chocolate milkshake and ate it.
"Hey! Don't diss it till you've tried it" Cameron frowns
"Chocolate and fries won't mix well, I just know it" ella laughs. I nod agreeing with her.
"Well only men like it" Cameron says
"And your not a man" Jason States the obvious
"Thank god, I'm not" I chuckle and eat my carrots. Ella then picks up her phone and unlocks it showing me a picture of Stacy
"What is she doing?" I frown. She was sitting on a mans lap and the photo was on her profile
"Apparently she made out with Jason derulo" Ella says
"The guy who sounds like a girl when he tries to do high pitch notes in his songs?" I laugh and Ella nods giggling at what I said
"Let's see" Jason takes Ella's phone
"She's nasty. I really hate her" Cameron frowns. Funny because, Stacy has always had. Little thing for Cameron. But his always to stupid to realise
"Me too" Jason agrees and hands Ella back her phone.
"Anyway who wants Nandos tonight?" Ella asks then takes a sip of her coke
"Yep" i lastly answer.
The bell went signalling it was time for class. We all said goodbyes and told each other to meet up at nandos Down the road from out school.
And now I have English. Which I don't really mind. I've always been good at it. But having a new teacher gives me the butterflies in my stomach.
My schedule said that the room that I have English in is R24. What that heck? There's no such thing as r24? I've been walking around for ages and I can't seem to find it. Everyone's in class and I've already missed 15 minute of the 40 minute class. I looked up to see room r22. YES IVE NEARLY FOUND IT. I followed the numbers to room R24.
I opened the door and everyone's eyes shot straight to me.
"Erm, hi?" I awkwardly walk in. Damn it, I should've ditched. The new teacher will think I'm stupid.
"Excuse me" the new teacher stood up. Damn his hot his really really ho- wait what am I thinking?! His my teacher!
"Sorry I got lost" I walked to his desk at the front of the class. Everyone's attention was back to their work continuing what I disrupted.
"Hello I'm mr styles. I'm taking your class for this years, year 12 English" he smiles. His got perfect straight teeth! His emerald green eyes watched my brown ones waiting for a answer.
"Oh sorry, I'm Samantha smith. Sorry I got lost, I think this is a new building or something"
"No worries" he quickly checks the time in his watch and I only just realised how well built up he was. Damn his biceps are- what am saying? Oh gosh I need to stop.
"Stop what?" mr styles frowns. Oh I said that out loud.
"Stop nothing sorry"
"Ok ms smith, can you please see me after class so we can retake this lesson. You've missed it all because of your absence at the start"
"No I can't I'm going out tonight"
"I'm sorry ms smith. But you should have came earlier" he chuckles and picks up his stuff. Jerk
"What ever" I huff turning around. Everyone was already out the class
"Stay after school my ass" I mumble
"Language!" Mr styles yells from behind me. I ignore him and walk out the class. Thankfully that was my last class.
To ella boo: I can't go out tonight. I'm stuck with Mr styles to redo a lesson with him. Sorry tell Cameron and Jason to save me chips and bring it to school tomorrow lol x
And I instantly got a reply, knowing Ella has her phone in her hands 24/7.
From Ella boo: WHAT?!!! stuck with mr styles huh? ;) apparently his hot. Anyway I doubt they will save you chips but alright. Why do you have to redo a lesson??? X
To Ella boo: mr styles is a jerk Please don't call him hot. His my teacher. I'll explain tonight or tomorrow x
"So you ready to redo that lesson?" A familiar voice asks
"No, I haven't even gone to my locker yet!"
"It isn't my fault your texting out side my class room, ms smith"
"Don't call me that" I cross my arms and enter the class room. I took a seat at the front seeing I'm the only one here.
Here begins trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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