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Three months have passed, yes, you heard that right, about three month have passed since I have been reincarnated into this world. I meet the princess almost everyday and the emperor too, every now and then. Lusa has been taking care of me, Liam roams around with me, making sure to keep me out of trouble while getting into trouble himself. Lucas has been giving me some magic classes, well it started as a joke when one day he was checking as why I have such a high amount of mana and I said, "perhaps I'd be a great magician!" And laughed off at the said joke, but the thing was that Lucas didn't believe it was a joke. He actually approved my idea of me being a great magician or what they call here, wizard. He has been teaching me ever since.

Meanwhile I learned magic, I was also learning archery with Liam. He boasted about how good he is at archery and indeed he is, but when I asked him to teach me, he said, "But my lady, you are a young girl, you should have tea parties with the princess at your age". Which quite disappointed me so I told him if he wasn't to teach me, I would learn from sir Felix instead. He worried about that, since Felix is known for the fact that he once murdered a whole path of soldiers on his own without the help of the emperor, earning himself the tittle of 'the prince of the crimson blood'. So, for my safety from him and after a lot of whining and asking, he agreed and so we started our training.

I walked down the now clean stairs, because of the new maids that came over, and walked outside the door, it was now like a routine for me to meet the princess every evening, so I followed it and went to the emerald palace.

It was a fascinating place, big pieces of glasses on the roof with history drew on them, uncovered white marble floor and beautiful carvings on the outside of the walls. It was big and huge, the roofs were so high it made me feel like an ant. The hallway was also very wide and had beautiful cold walls.

"And that's when the great war between exorsia and the 4 nations of union, which was formed back then, happened!", I said as I pointed at one of the paintings on the roof that depicted the scene mentioned. Athanasia looked with awe, I loved speaking about the history of Obelia, especially to Athy, and she loved listening to it. Today, we planned we will be staying indoors, because there was a slight chance of rain outside. We had tea in an empty room, deserted and quite. She told me that she liked this place a lot because it was so peaceful. She loved to draw here too, all by herself.

We talked of various topics, while sipping on our tea cups and eating chocolate cakes. I told her about a lot more of historic tales from the glass pictures above.

After we were done, I almost got up my seat to leave, when I heard the door open. We both turned our heads to see who it was, none other than our lovely emperor, Claude. Athanasia cheerfully ran towards him and embraced him in a lovely hug. She said, "Papa, Join us!". I gulped as I looked at the princess bring her father to our table. He took a seat right beside her. Athanasia said, "Papa, did you know that Lady Christine is very much interested in history? She was just telling me some facts about history!". Claude looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked down, trying to avoid his gaze. He said, "Let's hear it then". I looked up in surprise and saw his smirk. Oh God what form of torture is this.

Athy stated, "Papa, did you know that Obelia and Thanathos have the longest remained friendship without any troubles, as compared to other empires? Christine thought me that!". Claude thought for a second, " Thanathos? You mean the Mark's empire right? Well we do have a nice relationship with them, so it might be true".

"It's not true...", I interrupted in between, grabbing a lot of courage. Athy looked at me and said, " Huh? But you just told me that". I cleared my throat and said, "Princess, I said the second longest, the longest relationship has been between Siadonna and Atlarntis". The princess gasped, " Is that so?!". The emperor had a different reaction, he already knew about the fact so he wasn't surprised, but when I told him that Akibimi was the only empire with green diamonds, he was surprised. I knew so many facts because I had read books about it. These 3 months, I've been reading even more books so it was more helpfull.

Soon enough, all three of us got comfortable and started talking about historical, geographical, and social statuses of Obelia and it's relation with other empires.

After we had done, I got up and showed the best smile I could give and bowed. When rising, I saw a look on the emperor's face which I can't quite read. He looked surprised, as if he has realized something or if something had hit him. Nevertheless, I walked away from there, to the tower.

The sun was down, but it wasn't the deepest night yet, bright light still came out of the horizon. I saw Lucas flying from a distance towards me, a bird in his arms. When he got closer, I realized it was a Phoenix, the Phoenix he has been taking care of for so long.

"Isn't she beautiful?", He asked as he landed. To be honest, I was a little scared to see such a huge eagle like bird on fire on somebody's arms, but at the same time I was excited as much. It was a very big bird, and it's feathers were pure flame, it looked majestic, blending in with the sky behind it. I nodded at him and said, "Is it fully grown?", because I had seen some pictures of Phoenixs before and as large as the bird was, I was pretty sure full grown phoenixs were larger than that. He chuckled and said, "No silly! Much Time is left". I nodded in understanding.

I turned to enter the tower, but stopped when I saw a unexpected scene inside the tower. Lucas was about to enter from beside me but I held his hand to stop him. I said, " Can't you see? You were going to ruin the moment!". He peeked inside too.

And there we saw, Lusa and Liam, slow dancing barefoot, hand in hand, their bodies swayed together as Lusa rested her head on Liam's chest. He held Lusa's waist to make her closer with him, slowly swaying to the sweet rhythm.

I squeaked, "Aren't they so cute!". Lucas looked at them and said, "I didn't see this coming". I frowned at him, " How did you not? I already knew they were in love, they care for each other so much and know each other so well". Lucas shrugged and said, "Anyways, we have to get in so, sorry--". I glared at him with an irk and said, " Don't you dare ruin the moment!". I eye rolled and said, "Then let's fly to the windows". I frowned again, this time a different one, " Why? You can just click your fingers". He replied, "Not in the mood", and flew started walking towards the window. I frowned at him but followed. When we reached right below the window, he flew to the window while leaving me behind. My jaw dropped as I looked at him from below, whining that he should pick me too. In the end, my pleadings were ignored and I stayed there for longer than I can remember.

Meanwhile, Claude was having a very unpleasant evening. He sipped down the last bit of alcohol in his cup and put a hand on his head. What reminded him of the terrible memory? He wasn't sure but he had a thought. Ever since this blonde girl with carmine eyes had entered his life, he was being reminded of someone everyday. I was just like her, at least in his opinion. He saw someone else in me. He used liquor to ease his mind from the awful memory but it didn't help much.

" Don't struggle much, My love". His head lifted, to see an angel in front of him, a beautiful lady, with silk like soft hair and a smile which he would choose over a hundred other. She was indeed his wife, but she was none existent, only ever existing in his memory.

He tried to keep a controlled emotion but his eyes watered on their own, his mouth agape, his breath hitched. He reached out to her with a trembling hand, scared to loose her again as he had many times. But, Oh! He could only wish to keep her, because as soon as his hand came in contact with her face, she disappeared in thin air. Claude held her close, not wanting to loose her. He cried her name several times screamed for help, tears overflowed his eyes but nothing could stop Diana from going away. She disappeared without a clue and left a cold, unconscious and drunk Claude on the floor.

But all that was unknown to me, while I was being put into bed by Lusa. The thought of her and Liam roamed around my head bringing me no sleepiness. I finally decided to ask her, "Hey Lusa, can I ask you something?". She looked at me and smiled, " Yes of course!". I fiddled with my fingers and said, "Do you have any kids of something?". She shook her head. I said, " A husband? A wife? Any spouse?". She again shook her head but this time with a little tint of blush and said, "Why are you asking these all of a sudden, my lady?". I chuckled nervously and said, " Oh nothing!". I continued after some time, "Do you perhaps have any interest in..... Liam?". There I said it. She looked at me with a disgusted frown and immediately said, " Of course not, my lady! Whatever gave you the horrible idea?!". I chuckled and said, "Ah, I must have misunderstood, I am really sorry!".

She put a blanket on me and said, "And also, Liam is my little brother!".

And there went my head, blown, and my sleep gone.

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