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We walked through the empty hallways as he led me through it. Looking around, it became even more suspicious if I was reincarnated. Now that I think about it, I wasn’t really in my own body either. I looked down at my tiny and dainty hands. I looked down at my feet, I wasn’t wearing any shoes and my pants were of salmon pink which felt like being made of cotton. It also had a net-like structure over them and their shape made me feel as if I was wearing the clothes of a dancer, only if I knew that I was. Above that was a blouse of the same colour which exposed my child-like belly. I touched my head, It felt as if touching silk threads. I brought them before my eyes to see deep blonde locks. They were straight on the top but twisted in a wavy manner by the bottom. I was genuinely surprised. Never, in my whole life, had I ever seen such pretty hair. Instead, I remember having black untidy and straight hair, not this fairy-like swirly hair. Also, my height seemed to have decreased, my whole body also felt soft. Some changes have taken place, well actually a lot of changes. I guess I’ve got to stick to these changes till I get a hold of what is going on.

We soon reached in front of a dark wooden door. By the door, there stood a red-haired young man, he wore blue and red clothing with a black hood like a cape. He looked like a knight to me, judging from his posture of standing. “Nice to see you this fine morning, master Lucas, is there something you require?” He wished as soon as we walked closer. “I wish to see his majesty, Sir Felix”, the boy, Lucas, replied. Felix turned around after saying, “One moment”. He walked inside and closed the door behind. I and Lucas waited outside for his return.

On his return, he gave a short nod to Lucas. He nodded back and started going in the wooden door. I followed behind him. As soon as we walked in my eyes widened because what I saw ahead, certainly, did not seem like a king. Upon stepping in, I saw a man, probably around the same age as the knight outside, lying on his throne while his head rested on his arm. That is not the part that surprised me though, what did amaze me was what he was wearing, it did not look like something a king would wear. He wore a robe loosely tied to his waist and hanging lazily on his shoulders exposing his perfect abdomen. He had lemon-yellow hair shining like gold itself. I would have called his hair the brightest part of his body but that would be before I saw his eyes. They were sapphire like shining blue. I examined his whole body and to be completely honest, he looked very attractive.

Lucas stood a few metres away from the throne and bowed down saying, “Blessings and glory upon the sun of Obelia”. I looked at him as he did so and then looked up at the king. He was looking down at Lucas as if he was nothing more than a mere insect. “What brings you here, warlock” He asked not paying an ounce of attention to me. Lucas raised from his bow and said, “Your majesty, I found this young lady who seems to identify as Christine. She also states that she is not from any royal but her mana seems very high and different. I, with other royal magicians, would like to see into this matter”. He gestured a hand towards me and the king turned his head to me. I had been staring at him for quite a long time so eventually, our eyes met the moment he turned his head to me.  I didn’t look away, instead, I stared into his eyes. “So basically, you want to invite a stranger into the royal palace” He said in a spine-chilling voice while giving a death glare towards both of us.

“Your majesty, we will only be using her as an experimental component”, Lucas said as his defence. The king blinked his emotionless eyes and said in a monotone voice, “And if she turns out a spy? Would you take care of that?”. He gulped down as he looked at me. The tension grew as Lucas stared at me. There was no way to prove that I was innocent, at the same time no way to prove that I was a spy. If I would have tried to convince them by taking some truth spells, it would look as if I am a witch. My palms became sweaty as my mind raced to find a solution.

“Your majesty,” I finally decided to speak, “There is no need for conflict here, I will not argue to be innocent. In its stead, I will leave the palace immediately and this matter would be resolved”. His eyebrow raised even by a bit and Lucas beside me widened his eyes.

My feet were trembling with fear but I did not plan on dying for the second time on the same day. My voice held confidence but my heart did not, and my body totally showed it. If I were to die then be it! At least I spoke as per I wanted!

Surprisingly, a smirk appeared in the emperor's, up until now, emotionless face. He said, “Fine, You will get out but after a thorough checking from Felix”. I furrowed my brows till I heard footsteps from behind. I turned around to see the red-haired guard from before. He gave me a sweet smile and said, “please lift your arms”. I was moved by his gentleness. He checked my clothes for anything but found out it was empty. After a while, I was declared innocent.

“So as I have no belongings of the magician, I beg for my leave”, I said after the inspection. The emperor gave me a cold glare and said, “Warlock escort her out”. The magician beside me lowered his head and then we both walked out.

When we were a little away from the room, he spoke, “Damn aren’t you a brave one. You would have been dead if his mood was different”. I looked at him with a frown and asked, “Dead? Is he really as cruel as he looks?”. He nodded and said with a sigh, “You really are uneducated, huh?”. I chuckled and said, “Yeah, sorry”. Well, I wasn’t typically uneducated, I had passed all my classes with good grades and had a very vast knowledge of certain things but for this place, I guess I’m no better than an animal.

We soon got to the gates of the palace. I walked out and he stayed in. “Thank you for guiding me”, I said with a bow. He gave a ‘hm’ as an acknowledgement. He closed the gate and I could hear footsteps receding.

I turned around and the gentle breeze swayed my hair as I looked over to the unknown city in which I had been placed. A feeling of dread rose upon me as I hesitated to step in, but I knew I must for I had to make use of this life better than the last.

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