Chapter twenty-nine

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When they had arrived back at the house, Odin had been waiting on the front steps. Orange jumper not quite covering his feet. He had dragged the two of them inside and demanded details. Ta-ta had been conveniently sitting on the sofa, so he had heard everything as well. Not that Harry minded. He was ecstatic, to say the very least. Mal-Draco returned his feelings in full.

He had a boyfriend now. And that was pretty rad.

Said boyfriend had gone home that night. He had too much to do tomorrow, to stay over. Harry couldn't protest, because he was in the same situation. Madam Pomfrey was arriving bright and early tomorrow. He had received word that she wanted him to get a haircut, and Harry could not stress enough that he was extremely doubtful that it would do anything. He had been stuck with this mop from day one, and saw no reason that would change anytime soon.

Pomfrey however was insistent, and swore they'd get him a buzz cut if it came down to it.

Harry ended up staying up late, against Ta-ta's advice. He assumed wouldn't have any time to do his homework tomorrow, and spent the night editing some last minute homework. It was nearly half the size it usually was when he was at the Dursleys'. And that was only because of Ta-ta's additional papers.

The next day was a blur. Full of Madam Pomfrey dragging him around Diagon, and hiding from Hogwarts students in his year. Harry insisted they go into the Owl Emporium, so he could get Hedwig a treat. He had missed the old bird. On the other end of the spectrum, Madam Pomfrey insisted they go to a muggle hairdresser. Apparently wizard barbers use ailments that, if you weren't used to them, could give people serious allergic reactions. Harry wasn't so sure that was true, but it would be useless arguing with Madam Pomfrey.

They took a break midway through the day, and went back to the house. Both for lunch, and for Harry not to pass out in the streets of Diagon. It would be very troublesome if Harry passed out in the streets of Diagon.

After Harry had fully woken up, they departed once more. This time out to a muggle division of London. Harry got proper winter boots, and a muggle coat. But he wasn't sure when he would use it. They had already bought him a full set of winter robes. He wasn't going to complain, however.

Then came the dreaded barbershop. Harry had been to one too many in his time, and grumpily sat down in the chair. Just because he was going through with it, didn't mean he had to be happy with it.

Madam Pomfrey swatted his cheek gently. "Now, now, don't be like that."

"Why not?" Harry asked petulantly.

The woman barber chuckled behind them. "I don't think I got a degree in this without being at least competent, kid. Relax, it ain't gonna look terrible."

"That's what you say now." Harry said, spinning towards the barber.

"Don't be so negative, kid," the barber dismissed.

"If you were me you'd have a reason to be negative."

The barber rolled her eyes, and fixed the chair so it faced toward the mirror. She fixed the cloak around his front, and back away towards the sinks. "We'll see about that." She said confidently.

Harry frowned, but got up to follow her.

"You may be surprised, cher," Madam Pomfrey called after him.

"Mhm," Harry hummed.

He sat down at the specialized sink, and leaned his head back. He had washed his hair yesterday, so it was still fairly fresh. But with hair like his it hardly mattered.

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