Chapter eighteen

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Severus had come to yet another conclusion. It was one of the things that he could do reliably. His informed and logical opinions usually changed the the plans of the idiotic Gryffindors he was forced to work with. His newest conclusion, this was taking up far too much energy then was willing to give.

He watched as Sirius Black paced the length of the large dining room meticulously. The man had been at it for about five minutes now and Severus was getting bored.

"Well? You've been at that for quite some time, I can't say it's having any effect on your decision." he remarked dryly, swirling the glass of water he had been given on his entry. He wasn't entirely sure if it was poisoned or not. Molly had a sense of humor at times, and wasn't that fond of him, so it seemed possible.

"Shut up," he barked, and began pacing faster.

Severus ignored him and continued, "It is not a heavy proposition, I do not see why you are so torn."

"Shut. Up!" Black shouted.

Molly, who was watching the whole debacle from the room entryway, looked equally as bored but far more concerned. "Sirius, dear, maybe we should hear him out. He does seem to know what he's talking about."

"Who's side are you on?!" Black exclaimed, finally pausing his incessant pacing about halfway down the large table. He stopped directly in front of Severus, who was sitting on the other side. If the man were a Slytherin, Severus would look more into the action.

"The one where you stop fretting about Harry's wellbeing every five minutes. And from the sounds of things, Harry's worried about you too! I say, if Severus is being truthful, and has a way to contact Harry, we should at least attempt to listen ." Molly said tersely.

"There is no way I'm signing anything that-" he paused, and swallowed down what to have had been an offensive slur, "I am not signing anything that could be used against me Molly. What if they track it back to here? Even worse, what if they find out where Harry is? What will we do then?!"

"Do be more quiet Black," Severus put in, "you'll wake the children."

He was referring to Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, who were both, supposedly , sleeping soundly above their heads. Black huffed angrily, but held back what was sure to be an entire spiel about how untrustworthy he was.

"All I am suggesting is that I drop off a few... messages in a discrete location, where he'll pick them up and be on his merry way." by discrete location, Severus meant his own letterbox.

"Is there any guarantee that they will be received by Harry?" Molly asked, since Black seemed to be out of order at the moment.

"I'm certain they will be at least glimpsed by him, if not read obsessively."

"And if they're not?" Black asked, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides. He wasn't looking at Severus, seemingly intent on not getting into a fight in front of Molly. Well then, Severus would definitely use that to his advantage later.

"I will look for them the day after his birthday, if they are there I will take them back here. If he leaves something in reply, I will do the same. If he leaves nothing in reply, but take the cards, I will inform you."

"How will we know that he is the one who takes them?" Black pestered.

"You did take charms class, did you not?" Severus asked, rolling his eyes. Honestly, how did this man even make it this far in life? "Any curious muggle would instantly be put off by an attached stinging hex. Adjust the aim of the hex, and it will only be touchable by myself and Potter." Severus said.

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