Chapter twenty-eight

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Draco watched as Potter straddled the bike.

It wasn't like Draco was scared of it or anything. He'd been on many an automobile in his time. He rode horses weekly, and could probably handle any broomstick you gave him. His only problem was, well, did the ground have to be so damn close to where you put your feet. It would be so easy for a foot to slip. Then, if that happened, it would either tear off all the flesh on your foot, or send you flying into the nearest object. When you were on a broomstick, twenty feet in the air, it took real effort to crash into anything. Seeing risk so up and front made him uneasy.

Potter looked back at him and grinned. "Scared, Malfoy?"

Draco scoffed, faking confidence the way he did in Hogwarts. He walked with his head held high towards the bike. "You wish."

Draco stopped at his end of the bike, and awkwardly threw one leg over the other side of it. The bike was just barely big enough for them both to fit, and that was suddenly made clear as Draco lowered himself down to sit. His front was suddenly flush against Potter's back.

Potter visibly tensed, and Draco leaned back a bit. The boy was wearing ripped, jean trousers today. Probably due to the unexpected chill. It was truly nearing Autumn. Those along with an unzipped fleece, prevented Draco from actually making contact with Potter's bare stomach.

"Erm," Potter said, "I can't move up any, could you-"

"Move back? I don't think the back wheel will be very comfortable, and I like my arse the way it is, thank you." Draco stated curtly.

"Alright, uh..."

It was clear Potter was being squeamish today. Draco couldn't imagine why. When they slept in the same bed, Draco usually ended up holding Potter from the behind. Potter hadn't made a big deal of it then.

"What's the matter?" he asked, truly innocently for once.

It wasn't as if Potter suddenly had an epiphany, and now realised that Draco had more than platonic interest in Potter. Of course, he would never use that as an excuse to be a pervert. He'd more than gladly climb off the bike if Potter had a problem.

"Nothing. It's nothing." Potter said firmly, readjusting his grip on the handlebars. "You can lean forward again. Besides... you'll fall off if you don't hold onto something."

Somewhat relieved, Draco did just that. He folded his hands around Potter's waist. Careful to only touch the fleece. He propped his head up on the smaller boy's shoulder, and asked, "Like that?"

"Yeah," Potter breathed. "Put up your feet,"

Draco complied, and put his feet up against the small bars. The only thing between them and the ground. Draco gulped.

"Done," he muttered. He resisted the urge to look back at his feet. To make sure they wouldn't suddenly slip and all that.

"Good, hold on tight."

And with that, Potter put up the kickstand, and started the engine with a roar.


The second they took off, Malfoy tightened his grip around Harry's waist with an unmanly squeak. Malfoy buried his face into Harry's shoulder, eyes surely squeezed tight. Harry didn't mind.

They cut through the air. The wind loud and cold as it streamed past them. Harry breathed in deeply through his nose, and focused on the road ahead of him. The engine made them obnoxiously loud compared to all the other vehicles, but Harry didn't mind. He was sure that Malfoy had a different opinion.

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