Chapter twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

Turns out driving this thing was all about balance and speed. If you didn't get the ratios right you'd tip too far to one side, or unexpectedly swerve. Harry tried to go at a moderate pace for Malfoy's sake.

Malfoy's grip had only tightened since they left the driveway.

"Why are you going so damn fast?!" Malfoy demanded. His face still squished into Harry's neck.

"I'm going slower than the speed limit!" Harry called, turning a corner.

"Lier!" Malfoy accused.

"Am not! Maybe if you actually looked up you'd see."

"No!" Malfoy shouted. To prove his ridiculous point, Malfoy buried his face further. Harry almost fumbled when he felt lips. They weren't doing anything, just there along with the rest of the boy's face. But, still, Malfoy's lips were on his neck.

Harry shook his head, jostling Malfoy a bit.

"Suit yourself," Harry shouted. He revved the engine, and sped up the barest amount. Malfoy didn't react. Harry did it again. Again, no reaction.

He assumed, a tad unfairly, he could actually go the speed limit now. Harry finally could keep up with the other vehicles on the road. The cars surrounding them had been just going around them previously.

Malfoy made an annoyed sound, that might've been a swear but it was too windy to properly hear it. Harry laughed.

He turned the corner. Due to their increased speed, the turn was far more tilted. Again, the ratio of balance and speed. The faster you are, the more you tilt when you turn. Harry had expected it. Malfoy hadn't.

"Gah!" Malfoy yelled, one arm flailing. Thankfully it was the arm opposite to the ground. In it's panic, the arm was now fully wrapped around his torso. "Don't do that!" Malfoy scolded, loud enough for Harry to hear.

"I can't not turn, Malfoy." Harry called back, enjoying himself far too much.

Malfoy groaned, not pleased, at all, with Harry's joviality.

"We're about to head onto the freeway," Harry informed, switching lanes with little difficulty. People seemed to get that they were both stupid teenagers doing something stupid, and gave them plenty of room to work with.

"And that means?" Malfoy shouted, still not looking up.

"It means that we're going to need to move faster. More hills and turns as well." Harry called back to him. Careful not to screw over some poor driver, by accidentally breaking a rule of the road.

They needed to go one town over to get to the nearest arcade. Harry had made sure to memorize the route. The freeway was the quickest way there, although he wasn't sure Malfoy appreciated the thought.

"Oh, goody," he heard Malfoy mutter sarcastically, "do your best not to crash will you?"

Harry chuckled a bit as he slowly sped up to the proper speed. "I'll try my darndest."

Harry did not hear, Draco's muttered, "Good Lord,"


Thankfully, they made it to the retail park without incident. Harry smiled cheekily as he helped Malfoy off the bike. With a slumped posture, and a slightly green complexion, Malfoy looked downright queasy.

"You alright there?"

Malfoy shot him a look, and put a fist up to his mouth. He swallowed back bile, and breathed in deeply through his nose. "I think- I think I need to sit down," he said tersely.

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