"I love you, Stefan..." Elena said. 

"I love you too..." Stefan replied. I rolled my eyes, the too much in-love couple. I just don't get it. How can people fall in love? I mean it sucks. I fell in love twice and I regretted it. Enough of brooding, I ordered myself and looked at the frail body pressed up to me; almost. Just one simple move and she would be in physical contact with me. However, this was also looked after as she put an arm around me and mumbled something. I chuckled; she was so cute sometimes. I tried to gently remove her arm around me but she stubbornly put it back, moving closer to me in the process. This continued the entire night until she was laying her head on my chest. I smiled genuinely after a long time. Looks like I'll be getting some sleep today.  

Kristen's POV:  

I woke up from a good sleep. I tried to get up but something restrained me from getting up. I looked up at the sleeping figure of Damon. He looked so damn cute when he was- Wait!?!! What the hell was I even saying? I swear there was something in my drink yesterday. First, I came to his room and now I'm muttering insensible things. Bad Kristen. I looked down to see my arms wrapped around his waist. I gasped and quickly yet gently wiggled out of his grip. I dunno how it is even done. Quick yet gentle? Makes sense? Nope? Good. Last night hit me like a truck; me being the deer. You know like they say? Deer in a headlight? Yeah that's how I am right now. And I'm probably not even making sense. Okay, I'm officially insane. I guess sleeping with Damon does this. Wait, did I just say sleeping with? No, ew! I meant sleeping on Damon's bed with him. Okay, even this doesn't make sense but you know what my point is, right? Like, I mean-  

"Hello? Earth to Kristen. What are you staring at?" a sleepy voice asked; putting an end to my rant. Thank you, Damon. Else I was going mental. 

"You're welcome and why were you going mental, might I ask?" Shoot. Did I just think aloud? Oh fudge. Wow that's a cool word. Fudge. Better than fuc-  

"ARE YOU WITH ME, KRIS?!" Damon yelled in my ear.  

"Gah!" I jumped away from him and out of the bed too. Score one for me. I mean I just jumped away and out of the bed. You get it, right? Okay, I'm gonna have to consider mom's opinion about meeting a psychiatrist. Yes, I think I'm gonna have to visit him or was it a her? 

"Kris, are you okay?" Damon asked me, again snapping me out of my train of thoughts. Lately he's been doing that a lot. Or maybe I'm just too lost. 

"No, genius. I just fell of the bed. On my butt, might I add. I'm just fit and fine." I groaned suddenly feeling the pain. I was so busy in thinking to myself that I didn't notice the pain.  

"Well maybe you shouldn't jump out of the bed next time. I mean who does that?" he asked.  

"Well maybe you shouldn't shout in people's ears. I mean who does that?" I shot back, imitating him. He clutched his heart dramatically, pretending to be offended. I rolled my eyes but before I could say anything somebody interrupted me AGAIN. 

"What's that bickering-?" an almost sleepy Stefan asked.  

"How did you know?" I asked. Suddenly, he didn't seem sleepy. His eyes widened seeing me. "What the hell are you doing here? And that too on the ground?"  

I scoffed, "Way to be polite, Stefano. Your annoying brother over here shouted in my ears and I fell of the bed."  

Stefan nodded but suddenly realized something. What was with the sudden actions? "Wait, bed?"  

I groaned, "To cut a long story short; I came here to talk to him, seeing how you both were too busy. And I was being lazy so I slept in here. And don't worry, we didn't get it on like you. And then this morning, I was just thinking about Johnny Depp but Damon was jealous and he yelled in my ear and I fell off the bed. Damn this was also long." I just made such a big speech. I should get an award for this. Wait let me practice the thank you speech.  

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