oh, Vicky! (you're so fine, where art thou?) - part 1

Start from the beginning

"My name is Liz and I will be auditioning for the role of Benvolio."

Benvolio, Montague's nephew. Romeo's cousin, I believe. Yes, THE Romeo from Romeo and Juliet. You might be wondering, why are we doing Romeo and Juliet at an all girls school?

It's an artistic choice from Sojung-nim, apparently.

Something about wanting to put a spin on a classic and seeing girls acting in roles that are written based on medieval male gendered roles.

"Gender is performative," is what Sojung-nim had said.

While Liz sings Hello by Joy as her audition song, I can't help but wonder why she's going for the role of Benvolio rather than the role of Juliet. She'd be a great Juliet. Maybe she doesn't want to go for a main role until she's a senior. That makes a lot of sense, she probably wanted to let the seniors have their chance at being the lead in the school play.

She's reading some lines back and forth with Sojung-nim when I realise it. Oh, goodness. I don't have a song prepared.

I can sing, I've sung in the school choir before and during karaoke when my mom would force me to sing for the aunties who think I should be a k-pop star. I sing in the shower a lot, too. Mostly Lizzo.

But, I've never sung in an audition before. I wasn't prepared! First of all, what song should I sing? I don't think Good as Hell by Lizzo is the best choice of an audition song. A ballad? But, my technique isn't really THAT good.

"Jang W-Wonyoung?" Sojung-nim calls out once Liz is finished absolutely nailing her audition.

Everyone's eyes were on me. I know that the theatre club is a tight knit group, so they were probably shocked at the imposter that had joined. The imposter that always stayed in the robotics club room every other day when she wasn't cooped up in the library studying. Even Sojung-nim looked shocked to read my name out loud.

I sigh. Here goes nothing, I guess.

"Hi. My name is Jang Wonyoung-"

I hear a cough from the crowd and I roll my eyes in Liz's direction.

"Or... Vicky if you'd like a stage name. But, please call me Wonyoung. Not Vicky."

"Nice of you to audition, Miss Jang... Wonyoung." Sojung-nim gave me a smile. "Whenever you're ready."

I take a deep breath. I'm honestly not that nervous because not a lot is riding on my plate, anyways. I'm just here to be decent, I'm not even trying to get a named role, I just want to be good enough to be in the ensemble.

I sing an SNSD song, because who could go wrong with an SNSD song? Sojung-nim doesn't look impressed nor does she look unimpressed. She's just listening respectfully to me sing, scribbling some things on the paper every now and again.

I see Liz sneakily peering over Sojung-nim's shoulder to see what she's writing. She looks surprised.

I finish my song with a bow and Sojung-nim and the rest of the theatre club give me a polite clap.

"Thank you, Miss Jang." Sojung-nim smiles at me. "We're going to go do some script readings now. Are there any characters you'd like to audition for?"

"Juliet!" Liz calls from the crowd and I shake my head furiously at that.

"She's too tall." someone else said. "Nobody would be tall enough to be her Romeo."

"Then she can play Romeo!" Liz giggles.

"N-no thank you." I quickly say. "I actually would just like to audition for Ensemble, please."

Sojung-nim nods, as if expecting that answer from me.

Oh, Vicky! (Annyeongz one shot collection)Where stories live. Discover now