10 | YOU

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10 | see how well
i'm doing without you


2023 | private jet

THENA'S CRIES WERE something Zora had never heard before until this moment. She and Druig walked up to Thena, who was crouched over Gilgamesh's body, sobbing. Zora's eyes widened as tears verged her eyes, and out of instinct, she grabbed Druig's hand.

He gladly let her, giving it a comforting squeeze. Druig saw the tears sliding down her face and wanted to hold her, but chose against it.


Standing near the river, Zora watched as Thena poured Gilgamesh's ashes into the water. Druig stood next to her, unsure how to help her without overstepping.

"Druig," Sersi walked up to the two.

"You know, I thought about taking over the mind of every human on this planet." Druig admitted and Zora gave him a look. "I promise there's a purpose to this. Violence, fear, greed, all gone."

"Why didn't you?" Sersi asked.

"Because without their flaws, they wouldn't be human." Druig answered and glanced at Zora, who was trying to hide her smile. He turned to Sersi. "I'll help."

"Good, these deviants, they have a conscious now, they're trying to stop us from killing their own kind," Sersi explained. "That makes them dangerous."

"No, Sersi," Druig shook his head. "That makes them us. Deviants, Eternals, children of Arishem. But you are asking me to takeover the mind of a Celestial, I do not have that kind of power."

"You'll need the inventor." Zora spoke up and Sersi nodded.

"We're leaving soon." Sersi walked away from the pair.

"You've changed." Zora whispered and Druig didn't say anything. "I'm sorry about your village. The homes, the people, the Zoras."

"It's alright," Druig shrugged and smiled at her. "I've got the best one right here."

Zora grinned, shaking her head before she questioned, "Did you manage to save the drawing?"

"I had someone grab it, the frame is cracked but the art is just fine." He nodded.  "I already put it on the jet and told Kingo's busboy that if anything happens to it, he would never see the light of day."

"Maybe you haven't changed that much." She mumbled.

"You have." Druig admitted. "You seem much more– You, like you finally grew into yourself. There's more confidence in your eyes than fear. And your hair is blonder at the ends."

"I dyed it once." Zora shrugged. "I was drunk."

The two stared at each other, smiles on their faces, but so conflicted on the inside. They both had many things to say.

"Why did you leave–"

"I'm so–"

"Alright, let's go!" Kingo yelled, rushing everyone on to the jet.

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