Chapter 1 (Twins)

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~*? POV*~

"This blows!" A young man in his early twenties said while sitting on a rock in a lotus position. A black and white mask shone brightly in the moonlight. The right side was painted black with a sad face and the left side was white and showing a happy face. The mask ended at the middle of the head, covering the wielder's hair. When ignored by his teammate, he continued his whining. "Why did the Hokage have to send us here!? Couldn't a Chunnin take care of this?" After that he was punched on the head. "OW!"

"Would you just be quiet for once?" A female voice said in a hushed angry whisper. Her mask was the same as the young man's only the colors and faces were reversed. "The Hokage must have had a reason for sending us here."

"But we have been here for three months now!"

"So what!? Stop acting like it's your first boring ANBU mission. Plus we have been to worse locations than this in our earlier years."

"Yeah I know. It's just that we actually had something to do there, not just sit around doing nothing. Uuuuuhhhhh now I understand why there are so many missing nins during the peaceful times. I wanna be one of them right about now."

"Even if you want to you never will."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep. First off you will never want to disappoint mother or father, second you could never betray the village and your friends, and lastly you have a crush on someone." the last was said with a teasing tone.

The boy blushed furious red behind his mask at his sisters comment. "Wh-what are you talking about? I do not have anyone I like at the moment." Crossing his arms in a defensive position.

"You may be able to fool most people in the village, but you can't fool your twin sister! And also the girl you like knows too." The anger could be felt radiating from the male.

"Did you tell her?" The boy said in a somewhat depressed voice.

"No, but I'm pretty sure you can't fool the-" the sentence was cut short as a bright light engulfed the near by river not far off to where they were.

"Holly f*ck!" said both of the siblings. Running as fast as they could to the blinding light.

"Is this the reason the Hokage send us sis?"

"Yeah it is. The Hokage warned me that we are in for the shock of our lives and that we are only to hide them. Sending a message immediately after we confirm that it is, in fact, gonna be the shock of our lives."

"We are to protect them and bow down to every one of their wills I'm guessing?"

"Yep!" she said as they reached the now burned out area inside were people.

30 people to be exact. Many of them were suppose to be dead. "Ahhhhh... well this is definitely a shock of our live."

"I'm sending the message now." with that the guy took out a scroll and a vile. Opening and adding only a drop to the scroll and in a poof of smock appeared a small black cat.

"Hello." she said in a silver voice.

"Deliver this to the Hokage immediately." he said and put a small letter inside her color.

"Got it. I will arrive in Konoha in 72 hours. Stay safe till then." with that she jumped onto the closest tree branch.

"It's gonna take us a long time till we get backup sis."

"Don't worry about that. First we have to drag all of them into a safe place. There is a large cave only one mile south. When we will carry all of them we can give them our chakra. Helping them, considering all of them have critical amount of chakra deprivation, but also blocking their chakra pathway. Sounds like a good plan?"

*~Several Hours Later~*

"Oh my God!" the man screamed as the last of the people was placed in the cave.

"Shhhhhhh!" she said as she heard a few people grumble. "Quick, add your chakra into their system."

"Why don't you?"

"I'm not a medic nin baka." she hit him on the top of the head again.

"Fine! Fine!" with that he moved swiftly between the bodies. Several minutes later the job was done and the people started to turn and stir while the twins where standing at the opening. Even more grunts were heard and they were starting to make way to much noise. The brother sighed. "Genjutsu?"

The woman turned and nodded, "Genjutsu." With that they turned around performing a series of complicated hand signs and placed a hand on the side of the entrance. As soon as they where done, a few people started to jump up from their position and taking a defensive stance.

"Calm down." Sister said in a composed tone, at this point all of the people were up and their heads snapped towards her.

"Who are you!?" They all screamed at them.

"Clam down." She just repeated. Her brother continued for her.

"You can call me Brother and her Sister. I will get strait to the point here." Everyone looked at each other and then at the twins with a questioning look.

The female spoke, "You are in the future."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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