Side Story 2

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A bit more on Xiao and Reader's past. Cute little short.
This is also happening about 2 years after the Archon War.


Long haired Xiao


I were training young vision users. There weren't many, but I wanted to teach the young ones that got their visions early how to use them, the best style for them, and to not use their power wrongly.

On this specific day, Xiao has decided to join in. A rare occurrence.

I observed all the children, pointing out things to them and going over to help, but my eyes kept glancing at the male further away from everyone. I could see him use his weapon efficiently, with most precision, but something was also in his way, stopping him from performing his best.

"Small break everyone!" I announced to the kids, while walking towards the male still swinging his polearm. "Xiao." he stopped to look at me.

I waved him over to come sit on some rocks. He gave me a questioning look but still complied without complaint.

"Turn around." he did as told and I started to run my fingers through his hair for a bit; it felt soft to the touch.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Xiao snapped gripping my wrist.

"You have very nice hair." I smiled at him. "I noticed it was in the way so I thought I could tie it up for you."

He tsk's and turns back around. I notice the small blush on his cheeks making me giggle before tying his hair up.

"There!" I inform him.

"Happy now?" Xiao looks at me annoyed.

"Very! You look so pretty Xiao!" this time a bright blush overtakes his cheeks reaching his ears and covering most of his face from the direct compliment, once again making me giggle. He was too easy to mess with.


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