Part 4 - New Friend/s?

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I woke up in the morning because of the harsh lights from the sun streaming in, what is now, my room. So hopefully this means I'm not going crazy and that I'm actually awake from my deep sleep and not making up scenarios in my head now.

I pinch my cheek just to be sure. Yup, it hurts. Unless, my dream is so realistic it can replicate pain! Nah, I'm just being weird now.

I start doing my morning routine. When I look in the mirror I stare back at myself noticing the addition on top of my head. Two pairs of dark orange horns with golden tips, one set bigger than the other, poked through my hair. I guess they came out when I was asleep.

It happens more often than not. My horns, and sometimes my tail, would pop out at random moments when I'm in my human form. Even after thousands of years, I still couldn't control them for some reason.

After finishing my morning routine and making sure my horns were not on display anymore, I decided it would be nice to take a walk around Liyue and actually take everything in.


Liyue sure is as busy as I remember it. Maybe even more.

I walk around taking in all the new sights. I looked at the new faces roaming the streets, those of Liyue and those of other nations.

I could smell all kinds of delicious food, but one in particular made me subconsciously make my way towards it. I was stood in front of what looked like a restaurant. I could feel my mouth water and stomach growl. I guess all that walking would make anyone hungry.

"Hey there!" I looked around seeing a girl with short black hair approach me. I pointed a finger at myself confused if she was talking to me. "Yes, you." she giggled. "Are you hungry? No, don't even answer that. I could hear your stomach growl from a mile away." I blushed slightly at her comment.

"It wasn't that loud, was it?"

"Nope. I'm just exaggerating. Anyway, looks like you're really hungry. Come, I'll make you something delicious." she grabs my hand and excitedly sits you down at a table. "I haven't seen you around before. First time in Liyue?"

"Oh. Not really." I answer quietly.

"Oh how rude of me. I'm Xiangling. Chef here at Wanmin Restaurant." she introduces herself.

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you Xiangling." I replied with a smile.

"So, you have any dish you want. I'm sure I can make anything you request as delicious as you can have it." I think for a few seconds of what I want to eat.

"Some (favourite food) will be excellent."

"Coming right up!"


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