After recovering, Yuan Bai found out what he had done, and turned back to a rabbit with a bashful bang.

    Fortunately, there is already a chill in the room, otherwise there will be heatstroke again.

    Fang Lin squeezed his tail: "I've seen it all, it's useless to change back."

    Yuan Bai can't wait to get into the gap of the sofa.

    In order to alleviate Yuan Bai's embarrassment, Fang Lin brought wheat seeds and asked him to help generate seedlings.

.The food here is very exquisite, but due to the fact that the ingredients have a mediocre taste, the original white has long been rejected, and now it happens to take this opportunity to ripen some wheat and grind it into flour, and make it by yourself.

    The wheat seedlings gave birth very quickly. After they had grown out, Fang Lin planted them in the manor. After they were planted all at once, Yuan Bai went out to give birth to them.

    The outdoor temperature was too high. Although the original white became a human form, it was still a rabbit in essence, and it was still very hot. Fang Lin could only help him fan and feed him drinks. After busying for a few hours, he finally ripened. Made a batch of wheat.

    Yuan Bai escaped into the bathroom in sweat, soaking in the bathtub and then reluctant to come out. The robot helped the rest of the work of harvesting wheat and grinding flour.

.All the servants in the manor left, Yuan Bai soaked in the bathtub again, and the heavy task of making dinner fell on Fang Lin, "After the flour is milled, what do you want to eat at night?"

    Yuan Bai immediately said: "Liangpi."

    "what is that?"

    "It's delicious, you will like it if you keep it, I will teach you, you can make it."


    Fang Lin had good hearing. Yuan Bai was lying in the bathtub and talking. He could hear Yuan Bai's voice lazily in the kitchen. "Knead the dough first, find a basin, and put flour and water."

    "Every time you add a small amount of water, add flour to the dough when you touch your hands, and knead it into a smooth dough."

    Fang Lin asked: "How big is the dough?"

    "Probably..." Yuan Bai found it difficult to describe, and sent Fang Lin a picture with mental energy, "It's so big."

.Fang Lin had never eaten Liangpi before, and was afraid of making mistakes. He carefully followed the picture in his mind and kneaded a dough with an absolutely smooth surface and exactly the same size.

    Without hearing a reply for a long time, Yuan Bai urged on the other side: "Are you kneading it? After kneading it, find a piece of plastic wrap to cover it and leave it alone for twenty minutes."

    "Then cut the cucumber into shreds."

    Cucumbers are also born from the original white, and they are very fresh just after being picked.

    Fang Lin: "How thin is it?"

    "That's it." Yuanbai passed another picture.

    Fang Lin received the instruction, raised the knife in his hand and cut the cucumber into filaments of exactly the same size.

    Twenty minutes later, the dough woke up, Yuan Bai continued to command: "Next is to wash the face, you must ask more, I will show you directly."

.As he talked, he used mental energy to pass a few pictures over, and Fang Lin did the same, washing the dough with only gluten left, and putting the water for washing the dough on the other side to settle.

    It took a long time to settle, Fang Lin suspiciously asked Yuan Bai: "How did you think of doing this food?"

    "It's not what I thought." Yuan Bai held up the splash with a guilty conscience.

    "Is it the specialty food of your hometown?" Fang Lin asked casually.

    Yuan Bai was startled, feeling that Fang Lin had discovered that there was a change in this body. Seeing his calm look, he seemed to have accepted it a long time ago. Yuan Bai also calmed himself down and hummed softly.

    "Are there other delicious foods in your hometown?"

    "Too many, each one is delicious." Speaking of what to eat, Yuan Bai talked to him endlessly for a long time, from several major cuisines to street food.

    "I really want to taste it." .Fang Lin was drooling when he heard his description.

    Yuan Bai smiled: "If you want to eat, make it yourself, I can teach you."

    Fang Lin looked at him deeply: "Okay, can you teach me one type every day?"

    "Then you will probably study for a long time."

    "The longer the better."

    Yuan Bai felt that this was a bit ambiguous, and he didn't know if he understood it wrong, and his ears were a little hot, "The water for washing the dough has settled, let's continue."

    Fang Lin has never eaten Liangpi before, and has never seen it before. What is surprising is that he succeeded in making it according to the steps given by Yuan Bai, and the taste is particularly good.

    Yuan Bai opened his appetite and ate two bowls, the whole rabbit was much cooler, and he was content to eat.

    The only strange thing is that besides the good taste, the flour seems to have no other effect on the sentinels and guides.

."It may also be that we eat too little, and we have to eat a few more times to feel it." Yuan Bai remembered the flower seeds that Mrs. Fang asked him to help plant. "How about we try the flower cake tomorrow?"

    Fang Lin: "Good.

[BL]I Became a Heartthrob After Interstellar FarmingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum