Noelle x Reader

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Requested by -nxvaa-

My lovely Noelle, i can't stop playing her

Noelle is 18+ here!

Sitting on the roof of the Knights of Favonius headquarters was no other than Y/N. Bored out of her mind, she sighed wondering what to do for her next act. Maybe bombing Hirlichurls with Klee? Nahh, I don't want to be in solitary confinement. Painting "masterpieces" on city's walls? Nahhhh. Ooh-Ooh! Maybe putting cryo slime's into Dawn Wineries wine? That might be a good idea to try... She scribbled into her notebook. Wait! I'm getting sidetracked!

She shot up and her pen slipped out from her grasp. She tried to grab it but failed and it fell down.

"For the sake of Barbatos..." She glided down to where the pen fell, meeting the one and only dutiful maid Noelle.

"Hmm? Ah- Hello Y/n, is this yours?" She showed you the pencil.

"Yes that's mine. Thanks!" she smiled towards the maid.

"No problem! I'm always here to serve in whatever you need!" That gave her an idea.

"In whatever way?" She repeated.

"Yes! Do you need help with something else?"

"I'm bored." She plainly said.

"Oh, then how can I help you not be.. bored?" Noelle asked.

"You can hangout with me for the day! If you don't have any plans that is."

"Sure! I'd love to!" She said.

"Great! Follow me!" You rushed towards the city of Mondstat.

"W-wait up!" She followed. You jumped from the stairs and glided towards the city center.

"Be careful Y/N!" she rushed behind you down the flight of stairs. You gracefully landed on the ground bellow.

"Oh come on! This way it's much faster!"

"But it's dangerous! Besides, are you not supposed to glide-"

"Stop right there! You have violated the gliding laws!" Two guards sprinted towards you.

"GAH! RUN!" You grabbed Noelle by her arm and rushed towards the second exit of Mondstat. You both hid in the bushes just outside the city walls, looking at the searching guards.

"We lost them."

"Damn that worth more than trouble knight! She dragged Noelle into her shenanigans too."

"Noelle? Poor her."

"*sigh* Let's go report to Master Jean." They went away.

"We're safe! But at the time being we aren't going to be well seen in the city, ehehe..."

"It's alright. We can find other ways of curing your boredom."

"Why not beat up a bunch of Hirlichurls!" You said.

"Sure! It'll be a great addition to my training."

"I know just the spot then!" The two of you rushed towards Galesong Hill...

"Y/N Watch out!" You just got hit by one of the Hirlichurls arrows while being busy with the other Hirlichurls. Noelle was fighting the Samachurl.

"I'm fine, you focus on your target!" You used your Elemental Burst on the group, knocking them away from you. Most of them got knocked out, some of them tried to get on their feet but to no avail. You turned your focus to the other mob at hand. Noelle just clashed with his shield. She created a shield of hers and pushed him away, you threw your polearm at him, disorienting it enough for Noelle to knock out his shield and used her own Elemental Burst, and started to attack it. It was barely standing, before it fell to it's knees and passed out.

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