chapter twenty one

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"I'm just not used to seeing you guys not talking. It feels like a fever dream," he sighed softly, while Winnie felt her throat clog up again. Her fingers wrinkled together before she pushed out a forceful laugh, making her lips titl up to a smile.

"Yeah, I'd say," she forced out, smiling before she leaned her head back against the stone. She stared up at the sky beyond her glasses that had slid down to the tip of her nose.

"Have you thought more about Padfoot's offer?" Harry questioned after a moment, causing her to place her eyes back at him as she chewed on her lip. Suddenly feeling that Harry was far more curious than what she needed that day.

"A little yeah," she mumbled, smoothing down the snow with her foot. Creating ridges in the snow as it builded up into a tiny hill. The awkwardness drifted around them once again, suddenly making Winnie wonder if she turned and ran, he would simply leave her alone. Blowing out a smoke of cold air from her lips, she pulled her scarf back up around her chin, ready to make up an excuse about schoolwork when another voice wrapped around her.

She looked up then, facing the entrance of the school to spot Theo walking towards them, a smile on his face. His Slytherin scarf was wrapped around his neck while he wore a knitted black hat on top of his hair. Winnie pretended not to feel the small smile that floated across her lips at the sight of him walking towards them.

"Winifred," he beamed, bouncing on his feet as the girl rolled her eyes, annoyance flicking at her nickname. Her attention stayed on him until he came to stand beside her and Harry, his eyes floating over her face with a wide grin before he finally noticed Harry standing next to her. "And Potter."

Winnie reached out and nudged him in the arm, causing him to grin comfortably at her as Harry cleared his throat. "Nott," he greeted, nodding his head and tensing slightly. Though she noticed the way he eyed her and Theo closely, which caused her to step away from Theo slightly, not needing anyone else to assume they were anything. "Right well, I better go find Ron. See you around Winnie," his eyes stayed glued on her for a moment longer, before turning on his heel and striking back through the snow towards the castle. Winnie watched him go, a frown on her face just as Theo swiped in front of her vision, leaving her staring at a chest full of black.

"How did I know you were going to be outside, it's freezing," the boy grumbled, despite the fact a smile was still traced upon his features. The female rolled her eyes, turning to continue her walk towards the frozen lake, knowing Theo would simply follow her.

"It's beautiful outside, I didn't feel like being around others this morning," she shrugged, pushing the sunglasses back up her nose as she started down the hill. Winnie didn't need to explain anything much further to him, he would understand either way without words.

"And yet I found you with Potter," he replied quickly, falling in step beside her easily, considering his longer legs, he was able to fall easily into her stride without much problem. She shot him a narrowed eyed look, glancing up at him as he kept his eyes trained in front of them.

"He found me, don't exactly know why," she trailed off, the feeling of the awkward air that surrounded her and Harry floating around her once again. She frowned, chewing on her bottom lip once again as her feet made small clicking noises against the icy steps. Which she presumed had been magicked to not be slippery so no students slipped and fell when walking on it. "Why are you here?"

"Can't anyone just want to spend time with you?" He questioned, looking over at her as they reached the bottom of the snowy hill. Winnie sighed, rolling her eyes behind her sunglasses.

"Nope," she popped the 'p' as she spoke, her eyes facing the ground as she continued walking. She pulled her eyebrows down across her forehead, lips turning into a frown, she knew if her mother saw her, she would snap at her for giving herself early wrinkles. That thought simply made the wind around her feel a little more bitter than necessary. Trying to get her out of her thoughts, she looked up, expecting to see Theo next to her, when all she was greeted with was an empty space. "Theo?" She questioned turning around the same time a snowball came flying towards her, hitting her square in the chest before she could process what was happening.

Wolves Without Teeth  ── theodore nott ¹ ( UNDER EDITING )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang