Ch. 6 Success or Fail?

Start from the beginning

Kronii: "What?!"

Calli: "Nothing my dude, we were just talking about the concert date. Mumei here was thinking of asking you to see if you would like to join us."

Mumei: "Only if you want to, that is if you're not busy?"

Kronii gave it a moment as she went over her mental schedule in her head.

Kronii: "If I don't have classes or extra studies, sure I'd love to hang out with you guys. A-and when I m-mean love I mean l-like so a-as not to confuse the two."

With this Mumei left her hoodie to reveal a joyful smile towards Kronii. Everyone couldn't help but feel happy for the two.

Bae: "OK you two if I stay any longer I'll get diabetes. I'll catch you guys later. Oh right before I go. Irys, don't forget tomorrow we'll be getting the new Metallica CDs at around 11:30."

Irys: "Haha, I haven't forgotten Bae."

Bae: "Just reminding "The Boss" here."

Irys: "Yeah, Yeah. You jerk, now get going before you're late to class."

Bae: "I'll catch you guys later. BIrys!"

Irys: "I told you to stop calling me that!"

Bae: "Make Me!"

Irys quickly stood up, about ready to tackle the Rat. Indicate that it was really time for Bae to leave.

Calli: "Gee's are you two really getting along now?"

Irys: "Yeah, at least I think we are. Just the other day after work I asked Bae if she wanted to watch a new movie with me after work. At first she was down for it only for her freak out when she found out that it was actually a horror movie. She was screaming at the tiniest jump scares. Haha, it was great."

Mumei: "Which movie was it? Don't tell me it was The 8th Night! I've been waiting for my preorder for days now."

Kronii: "I would've never guessed you were into horror movies Mumei."

Mumei: "Yeah, for some reason I almost find them comical. Would you like to watch it with me someday?! I feel like you'd like it."

Kroniics face then turned grim at the thought of watching a horror movie, but she really liked the idea of watching a movie with Mumei. She felt so conflicted between the two.

Kronii: "W-what?! Oh, um... M-maybe?"

Mumei: "Aw don't tell me you're also scared of horror movies."

Mumei gave Kronii sweet puppy dog eyes. Knowing all too well that Kronii gets scared easily.

Kronii: "What, me s-scared. Never I'm totally down for a h-horror movie!"

Mumei: "Really?! Then it's settled, you can't back out now."

Irys couldn't help but roll her eyes at how much Mumei teases Kronii while still not actually dating her. Hopefully one or the other will confess to the other soon. Everyone who knows them will have less pain in watching their cringe worthy, flirting skills. Just then out of the corner of Irys' eye she saw Alex in the cafeteria with his group of friends.

Irys: "There's Alex, I'll go and let him know that you want to bring 'Someone' along."

Irys gave Mumei a wink and went across the room to meet her boyfriend.

Calli: "I really hope this trip doesn't backfire on Irys. She's really hoping this trip will help us get along with him."

Kronii: "What do you mean? Is this Alex such a bad guy?"

Mumei: "He's not a bad bad guy, just some homophobia, and some controlling issues."

Calli: "Irys keeps telling us that they're trying to work things out but..."

Calli looks over to Alex and Irys and once again squabbling over probably about Mumei wanting to bring someone along.

Mumei: "Me and Kiara try talking to her about him. She apparently did dump him once, but he came back wanting to try again. However they do seem to be doing a little better than last time, but not by much. He's less stalkery then last time and more of being a dick to Irys being bi and Kiara being lesbian. Now he thinks all her female friends are gay and doesn't want to be around her when we hang out together."

Kronii: "Wow, sounds rough. Any special reason why she might want to hang out with him?"

Mumei and Calli both shake their heads unknowing what Irys likes about him.

Mumei: "But one thing I know for sure is that Irys is totally crushing on Bae and she doesn't even know it herself."

Calli: "That's for sure. However I'm still unsure on how Bae sees Irys. She's a tough nut to crack when it comes to dating and relationships."

Kronii: "What do you mean?"

Calli: "...Let's just say that she's gotten her heart broken too many times to count and leave it at that."

Mumei and Kronii accepted Calli's demand for not going any further into Babe's love life, and end it there.

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