After finishing my night-time routine, I walked out of the bathroom and into the room just as Mr. Livingston was pulling his shirt off, leaving him only in his pajama bottoms. His broad shoulders and back flexed as he pulled the cotton over his head and threw it onto the floor. I looked away quickly and went to my side of the bed.

I spent the first ten minutes just staring at the ceiling and then another ten minutes trying to get comfortable. Cassie would always complain that I moved too much whenever I slept over, but I couldn't help it. There was that one perfect position, but it was never easy to get. I truly envied people who could just lay down and fall asleep within minutes.

I twisted around in the bed, starting on my left side and extending my leg so that my back would crack. The position still felt off, even with my hand underneath the pillow and my legs stretched out. I turned around on the opposite side, repeating the entire process, but it still didn't help.

"Diem, stop freaking moving. I can't sleep because of it."

I tried to stay still for as long as possible. Five minutes had passed and Mr. Livingston's breathing became slower and heavier. When I thought it was safe, I slowly shifted again, and again, and again.

Nope, that's not right... How about...No not that either...

"Alright, that's it!" His voice filled the silent room and he turned around quickly, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his bare chest. My mouth fell open but I couldn't speak because I was too focused on the fact that my back was pressed fully against him.

His mouth was near my ear now and his voice was thick with sleep. "If I have to sleep like this for the rest of the time you're here, so be it."

"I'm sorry," I said, trying to push myself up with my arm, "I'll go on the couch, everyone hates the way I sleep."

I went to move my legs, but Mr. Livingston's arms tightened on my waist and pulled me back against him. He said nothing else and I sank back into the bed and tucked one arm under my pillow and the other against my rapid heart.

That night, I had found the most comfortable position.


The next morning, I woke up in a much less pleasant way than I had gone to sleep.

"Wake up!" A rough voice shouted into my ear and I sprang up from the bed and swang my fist through the air, making contact with something sharp. I heard a small groan and then, "Shit Diem."

I opened my heavy eyes to see Mr. Livingston leaning forward, rubbing his jaw. Serves him fucking right for thinking he could wake me up like that. I grabbed onto my pillow and swung it at him, only to have him extend his arm and block the blow.

"Don't 'Shit, Diem' me, what did you expect waking me up like that? You're lucky it wasn't worse."

"Go get dressed," he ordered, tilting his head to my suitcase. I pursed my lips and laid back down, holding myself up with my elbow and resting my head against my hand.

"The only room where you can order me around in is your classroom, and even then I put up a good fight," I said winking.

Mr. Livingston raised his eyebrow and leaned forward, pushing his fists into the mattress. He brought his face close to mine and looked me over. His eyes followed a slow and agonizing path, leaving my body warm wherever they touched. He finally looked back up at me and smiled.

"By the time I get out of the shower you better be dressed."

I watched him leave the room and fell back onto the bed, pulling the pillow over my face. I did not have the hots for my teacher. No way in hell was I starting to feel things for that cocky bastard. I thought back to last night and how good it felt to fall asleep against him. I wouldn't mind falling asleep that way every night, but that can't happen.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now