Chapter 10: Redemption

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As Callie ran inside the living room,  everyone's attention immediately turned on her. Her cousin seemed to be amused by the scene, as she tried to figure out what could have caused such a sudden reaction. But something told her it was probably nothing important. And she was right.

"MARIE!! THEY GOT AN AQUARIUM! THAT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!" Callie screamed excitedly, pointing in the general direction of the room which had the aquarium. She was basically yelling her lungs out. Pearl and Marina came in running right after, looking completely exhausted.

"Wha-What do you mean?? We've had that Aquarium for like a year now!" Pearl answered baffled, while trying to catch her breath. She really wasn't able to keep on behind Callie, with all the energy she had.

"Oh? Really- uh? Ergh- I must have forgotten, silly me, hehe." Callie tried to immediately brush off her mistake, a little embarrassed by the ruckus she had caused.
"Ah, it''s fine, Callie." Marina said, not wanting to make a big deal out of the occurrence, "Anyway...if you guys are hungry, I can order the pizzas..." Everyone nodded in agreement, after a few looks at one another. It was getting late, everyone was hungry, and the temptation for eating some pizza was just irresistible.

Speaking of pizza, Inkopolis really had it at heart. Whoever didn't like it was considered a sinner. Not literally, obviously. It was not something you could be arrested for of course, but Inklings still took the food rather seriously, in general, and pizza just happened to be a particularly delicate and loved one. So much so that it was surprisingly rare to find an inkling or an octoling who did not enjoy pizza at all. Pizzerias were always busy every weekend.

After asking everyone which toppings they wanted on their pizzas, Marina moved on to the kitchen so that she could pick up the phone and make the order.

"oh- MAKE SURE THEY DON'T PUT PINEAPPLE ON IT!" Marie raised her voice, just to make sure Marina would hear her. One could tell she really did not like pineapple on her pizza, so much to the point of going out of her way to make sure no trace of it was to be eventually found on any of the pizzas, despite no one really mentioning it in the first place.

"Brreeeh...who even puts pineapple on pizza?" Pearl muttered, disgusted only by the thought.
"I don't even want to know," Marie replied, feeling the same way.

"Hey- while we wait, I've read on the internet that it has been proven that inklings tend to like pizza more than Octolings. Is it true, Eight?" Four pointed out, attempting to distract herself from the hole she felt in her stomach with a conversation.

"What-'s definitely not my favorite food by far, that's for sure, but...I don't mind having some slices every now and then. But why ask me? It's not like my opinion matters for every octoling out there..." Eight answered, a little confused.

"I know, but you're the only Octoling i know, so your opinion is the only one that matters to me!" Four explained. Her reasons were...definitely flawed, for sure, but Eight decided not to press on further. Whatever she read was probably false anyway, the internet was full of bullcrab.

Fortunately, the pizza did not take long to arrive. Off the Hook just so happened to live close to a pizzeria, and a pretty well-known one, for that matter. It had the best reviews online, and was considered arguably the best in all of the city. It was pretty expensive though, so not all people could afford to eat there often. That, of course, wasn't a problem for Off The Hook. And the greatness of their food was undeniable, still. Marina walked into the kitchen after answering the door, holding 7 pizza boxes, one for each of her guests or housemates.

"Aw heck yeah dawg, i was seriously beginning to starve!" Pearl was more than eager to start her dinner as soon as possible, and before anyone else could sit down, she had already started eating her first slice. Nothing out of the norm.
"Pearlie, please wait for a moment and let me give everyone their pizza-" Marina pleaded, trying to reason with her friend.
"Nah." Pearl simply replied, her mouth stuffed with food. Marina could only roll her eyes, proceeding to serve everyone else.

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