Part 9: Enchantress

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The following day, Jake was surrounded by the students.

Jake smiled and thanked them for their praises.

"How can he aim like that?" Jungwon wondered.

Heeseung shrugged.

The two seats next to Sunghoon were empty. Hyuka and Y/N were absent.

Sunghoon yawned, earphones in his ears.

Flipping the pages of his math book.

He felt someone standing next to him, Sunghoon looked up.

There was the grin.

"Yes, can I help you?" Sunghoon asked plugging out his earphones.

Surprised that Jake suddenly approached him.

Jake held out a black envelope towards Sunghoon.

"You're invited to Jay's birthday party, hope to see you there," Jake said and was pulled aside by a friend.

Sunghoon opened the envelope and pulled out the invitation card.

"You're invited to our bloody birthday party"

It was going to be held at the mansion further inside the woods, behind the resort.

And it was on the following day at night.

Sunghoon thought of his mother.

He had spent so much time outside that he rarely was at home.

And he felt guilty of it.

Exploring Memoria more sounds good to him.

Something was inviting about that place.

Yet, again Jake seemed peculiar. Like someone that he should not befriend.

Sunoo dumped a plastic bag that contains bread on Sunghoon's table.

"You got the invitation? I got mine!" Sunoo spoke.

"You're going?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yes, of course, why won't I?" Sunoo raised his eyebrow.

"It's just that we hardly know the guy"

Sunoo patted Sunghoon's shoulder.

"You should stop judging people, Sunghoon. They're not weird, they're cool" Sunoo took his bread and left for his seat.

But, one of them threw knives at people like a mad person!

Sunghoon thought to himself.

The school bell rang, Sunghoon huffed and puffed as he climbed up the stair to the teacher's lounge, holding a box filled with exam papers.

He passed what he thought an empty classroom, Sunghoon turned his head again.

Y/N was seating at the corner of the room, looking out of the window.

But she hasn't been at school the whole day...

Sunghoon wondered.

He slowly entered, Y/N's head spun around, making Sunghoon gasp.

"Oh. Hi. I thought you're not at school today" Sunghoon asked, awkwardly.

Y/N smiled.

"Yes, I am not feeling very well today, I'm just here to take something of mine, real quick" Y/N stood up, and went in front of Sunghoon.

He stepped back a little.

"I noticed people always told you to speak more, but seriously. You should just talk when you want to, don't listen to them. I know your type..." Y/N smiled to herself.

"Had one friend like you back in my old school, she's fun but she's the quiet type. Don't change for people, change if you want to" Y/N gave Sunghoon a soft pat on his shoulder.

"Hope to see you at Jay's birthday party," Y/N said and smiled again.

It was the first time anyone had ever said that to Sunghoon.

The first time someone saw him as who he was.

What did she mean that she hoped to see him?

Was she expecting him to be there at the party?

Sunghoon felt butterflies forming in his stomach.

Or was that just a polite statement?

Now there was a strong reason to go to that weird guy's party.

Downstairs, outside the school building, Y/N ran next to Jay.

Jay had his hands in his pant's pocket, a bored expression on his face.

Y/N on the other hand had a grin on her face.

Jay's bored expression changed when he realized Y/N next to him.

With a small smile, he asked.


Y/N nodded happily.

"That kid fell for it" Jay muttered, shaking his head. 

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