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I guess it is time to confront my pack.

"You ready for this?" Hannah asks placing a hand on my cheek as we're getting ready. It's been a week since we become mates. I still get high when ever I feel her touch. One week since I became Alpha. Alpha but outside my pack... I guess it's time to change that.

"As I'll ever be." I mumble nuzzling her palm.

"You are the Alpha and your people need you. Your grandfather is a power hungry lunatic. He needs to be stopped." She pushes me up off the foot of the bed where I was putting my shoes on.

"I know." I say kissing her forehead. "Stay here with Oliver? I don't want you hurt."

"The pack needs to know they have a Luna as well. We will be fine." She says and I sigh. She won't listen.

"Okay let's go then." The snow has gotten worse. The first blizzard of the season hit a few days ago so we bundle up before heading out.

As soon as we reach the boarder of the pack we are stopped by two patrols.

"You are on Ice Winters land state your business." A man yells and I lower my hood with a growl. I see the men's eyes go wide when they see me.

"My business is protecting my pack from my grandfather. Do you stand with your Alpha or do you follow his command?" I ask and they both hit their knees.

"We thought you were dead." One of the men says.

"Did you not feel it when I was proven? I felt all of you. I felt the connection." I say and they shrink a bit.

"Alpha Ronald said it was an emotional response from your death." He says and I growl.

"You call my grandfather Alpha?" I growl. I prefer to be more easy going but it is not the way of Ice Winters. I need to be overwhelmingly dominant then once I've taken over I can relax on them a bit.

"Sorry Alpha." He mumbles bearing his neck.

"Take me to the man who claims to be your Alpha." I tell the first one. "You stay and protect our home." I order the second. With the attacks on werewolves I can't have my pack unprotected. Both nod and we head further into pack land.

"Stay close to me." I whisper to Hannah "And if it looks for a second like I am going to lose take Ollie and Run." I add in a mind link. I give her a look when she goes to argue and nod to our pup. She sighs.

"Okay." She whispers as we reach the main house.

"Stay behind me. Don't go anywhere near him." I tell Hannah as I take a step forward.

"Get out here you old coward!" I yell and soon hear crashing from within the house. I guess I got his attention.

"You are supposed to be dead mutt." My grandfather growls as soon as he is out the door.

"Bubby!" I hear a little voice yell.

"Stay in the house Libby!" I yell back just as she steps out.

"No, Libby come on out. You can watch me finish the job I started a couple weeks ago." Grandfather says and Libby looks to me.

"You were dead." She says. I give her a nod to tell her to get away from our grandfather and she runs over to me.

"Ice Winters!" I roar out. I see my people make there way to us and guide Libby to stand next to Hannah. She seems confused but stays where I put her. With a nod to my mate I address my people.

"You have been deceived!" I say and I can hear them whisper. My name, alive, and Alpha seem to be the most repeated words. "My grandfather thought he could take my Alpha the cowards way."

"I am no coward!" He yells and I smirk.

"Really Ronald?... Is it an honorable thing to shoot your Alpha with silver and leave him to die? Does a brave man try to claim the Alpha title by killing his own blood? You are a coward. The only thing that died in the snow was my relationship to you. You are nothing to me and not fit to be Alpha. Do you wish to challenge me like a man or do you accept your sentence as a traitor?" I say. I can feel the tension rising in the pack. A few of the warriors look ready to attack Ronald you can't mess with a pack's Alpha not expect retaliation.

"I don't need to prove myself to you! I am the Alpha of this pack boy!" He yells.

"Are you?... you can't issue an Alpha command and do you actually think the men will follow you? You are a horrid leader, father, grandfather, and man. Who would follow a man who turns on his own family?" I ask.

"I did what was best for the pack! You are weak!" He growls.

"Coming from the man who uses a gun instead of his claws. A man who acts deceitfuly. Can the pack even trust you?" I challenge.

"I am the Alpha!" He yells looking crazier by the minute.

"You were." A warrior steps out from the crowd.

"And you weren't a very good one." Another adds.

Ronald looks at them then back to me.

"I'll kill you!" He yells charging at me.

I ready myself to fight when the two warriors that stepped out grab hold of him.

"You are not our Alpha." One of the men says.

"Release me! I own you! Do you know who I am!?" Ronald screams.

"We all know who you are." I say walking over to him. "You are a tyrant. You are a power hungry washed up old man. You can't even fight off a warrior do you think you can take on the rightful Alpha of this pack? Submit now Ronald you can't win this."

"I can handle a little mutt like you!" He growls and I sigh before taking a step back.

"Make an official challenge then." I say and he looks stunned. "Did you think I'd simply kill you and break the King's laws? Not that I think he'd mind in your case but no. Submit or make an official challenge."

"I, Alpha Ronald Haught, challenge you... Alpha Bane Haught for the Alpha position." He growls. Calling me Alpha looks like it physically hurt him.

"Release him. The challenge has been made. All non warriors please return to the main house." I say and the women and children all make their way back inside. The warriors make a circle around us and I look for the Beta.

"Beta Franklin please officiate." I say and the man nods before stepping between Ronald and I.

"Former Alpha Ronald has challenged Alpha Bane for his position. Ancient laws dictate such a challenge is a fight to the death. No Alpha can reject a challenge and once issued the challenge can not be recalled. The warriors here stand witnesses to the proceedings... begin." The Beta says.

Looking at my grandfather standing across from me in the snow it seems crazy that I ever let him control me. He is a strong wolf for sure but he is a bit slow in his movements. He has a limp from long ago battles. It's like he is an entirely different man than the one I knew. I'm the one that is different though. I'm no longer a scared pup. I am an Alpha.

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