𝒍𝒙𝒊. 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓

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Screaming and sprinting, John B raced for the vehicle. Behind him were three police officers. "Start the car, Kie!"

Panicked over the boy's urgent voice, Kiara didn't hesitate before jumping into the driver's seat, pushing Pope behind with JJ and a very awake and energetic Tatum. And as everyone should know by now, stressful situations made Tatum Quinn giggle like there was no tomorrow. So that's exactly what she was doing while her friends were in a race for time. Because it was his first time being stoned, Pope also found the whole thing funny, giggling along, for the first time in his life, with the girl.

Kiara, JJ and John B were all screaming and shouting over the top of each other when he jumped into the the car, all of them tightly squeezed together. Fortunately, the Carreras were rich as fuck and had extra seats in the boot, which Tatum's child-like, stoned mind found really fascinating, and climbed into the very back with JJ.

"Kie, drive! Go!"

"I'm going! I'm sorry!"

Tatum continued to giggle when the cops continued to chase them, finding it extra hilarious to stick her middle fingers up through the window. Distracted by her girlfriend for one single moment, Kiara delayed turning the engine on to the point where one cop had hold of the door.

"What did you do?!" she cried to John B.

They drove, and the policeman followed them with his hands over the open window, while the two other, well-known cops were close behind - Shoupe and Plumb. Tatum wasn't too sure who the man was beside her, but she didn't really care when he lost grip of the window so yanked her hair instead.

"Tate, don't -"

Kie didn't have time to finish her sentence before a gunshot echoed through the air. And just like that, the teenagers were free to go as fast as they wanted, because no cop was holding back on the car.

And their plan to keep Tatum Quinn had officially failed.

Tatum Quinn had officially killed another person. Tatum Quinn was officially a serial killer. 3 people in one month - Cruz, Mrs Crain and now a random cop. And the worst part? She didn't even care. She laughed. She actually laughed. "Whoo-hoo!" she screamed, her mind full of thrill, her body full of rush, and her muscles full of adrenaline.

Her friends stared at her open-mouthed as they sped into the night. After they witnessed her murder Mrs Crain, it was okay. She saved them. They didn't need her to feel bad. But this - she just killed an innocent cop. They couldn't believe it. And nobody knew what to do, what do say, how to react...only Thomas ever did.

"Well, I guess at least one of us is a cop killer," commented JJ, staring at the gun in his sister's hand, the blood that had sprinkled back onto her face when the cop had released his grip on her hair, and dropped to his immediate death. At least he wasn't in pain...that was one good thing, right? JJ was honestly just trying to pick out as many positives as he could at this point.

Trying to stay focused on the road ahead of them, Kiara turned around worriedly. She wasn't mad - she couldn't be mad. She wasn't scared, either. She knew Tatum better than anyone. She knew Tatum would never actually want to hurt anyone. But...she shook her head at the betraying thoughts in her head. Right now, the only thing she could do was be there for her girlfriend before she broke down completely. "Hey, hey, why don't you nap for a little while, while we figure everything out?" she suggested sweetly, eyeing Tate through the mirror, remembering Thomas once mentioning that a sleep helped. The girl was laughing hysterically, rubbing her hands in the blood. They seriously needed to get her professionally examined sometime soon.

Tatum nodded, rubbing her eyes, cluelessly spreading more blood all over. John B turned around from his seat to hand her a jacket with a kind smile. "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

A/n: serial killer tate? how do you feel about that? because i have no idea how i feel about it.

the next few chapters are probably going to be as short as this one because it's somehow easier to write when there are less words on the page

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 - kiara carrera¹ Where stories live. Discover now