"Hey." He whispered quietly, leaning towards you. You looked up and then up at the oni man, "what is it? You think we're being followed?" You nodded and what was weird, you felt Itto tense up beside you.

Itto looked down at you and grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. Yes, something was off.

"Let's go. If we are being followed, it's likely to be some nobushi men... or maybe your brother?" The oni man looked around after that and then at both you and the blonde.

If it was to be your brother, then you wouldn't feel be feeling like you're in danger. Something was just off.

Thoma took out his spear and kept near you. Itto had his hand on your lower back, to keep you from stopping. More so in a protective manner.

You had to take a detour and to find another place to stay at, thinking that the camp would be a bad choice right now. You could hear the heavy distorted breathing from Itto and it caused both you and Thoma concern.

"You okay Itto?" The mention of his name made him look down at you. His crimson eyes staring back at yours for a moment before he looked away.

He didn't say a word but continue to walk side by side with you two. Itto hated lying and especially to you about what he knows, and it's like he's back in the past five years ago; dealing with dramatic shit yet again.

But all he could do was just look at you and then nod after not responding the first time.


Few hours later there was a strange smell coming from the south side from where you and the guys were walking towards. It smelled...rotten.

The feeling from before left but it never completely left. Whether it be your brother or probably who you think is your mother watching, you'd have to be careful and just collect as many soul orbs and get this shit done before anything bad could happen.

And as for the smell, Itto's breathing became abnormal. Thoma was already by his side checking but he got slightly pushed away from the other—clutching away at his chest his knuckles were turning white by the strong grip.

You looked around your surroundings but there wasn't anything suspicious but the smell was getting poignant pretty fast, it was alarming.

"Hey big man, how hard does it take to knock you out?"

Itto looked at you confused and looked over at Thoma who only shrugs, but he squints his eyes at you curiously. You're only asking so he doesn't go on some rampage if the smell gets to him. It'd be bad if he did.

The blonde went up to you and then you, dragged him away quickly by the arm and peeked at Itto, who was turned away from you.

"I think we need to knock him out, that smell is affecting him and we don't have much time till—"

He fucking loses it... Great. Itto's mask changed and now covered his whole face just like the first time when you got here. His mask this time was different, even the horns on his head; longer and changed to black and white ombre.

If you were to describe what his mask looked like this time, it looked like a skull with his red markings going across where his eyes would be.

Itto let out a big distorted growl and it felt like your ears were about to burst from how loud he was. And when you looked at Thoma, the man was in shock but in pain with the loudness of the growl.

"We need to get out of here fast! The longer we're here the more he could go out of control." Thoma was just still but you had to shake him roughly.

"Shouldn't we check what the smell is? I'm really fucking curious to what's happening over there." Pointing at where the smell was coming from, he stared at you pleading but he was right.

Whatever is going on with Itto and how that smell was able to change him again, it could lead to clues to him somehow be connected to this whole shit show of the purple fog.


i cant wait till itto is in genshin BUT GATHERING GEO STONES ARE A PAIN 😭

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