He got up and brushed his clothes off using his hands. I only just realised Mira was also here...
~Did Zack finally ask her out???~

Mira lends me her hand and helps me get up, then gives me my skate board back.

We chatted and walked around a bit considering I still had some time till my shift started. But Zack seemed angry about something.

"Zack what's up? You look more irritated then usual"

He looked a little shocked, I don't think he realises how easy he is to read.
"Some ugly dwarf was trying to hit on Mira"
He huffed

Mira just let a disappointed sigh
"I told you to just let it go, I'm fine"

I chuckled and they both stared at me.
damn okay I get it my laugh is weird no need to stare at me 😤

Zack POV

~why is his laugh so fucking cute. Damnit Zack! you can't be thinking like that, you like Mira!~

We walked for a couple more minutes when..

"HEY!!!" It was the same fucking dude that hit on Mira before.

"Haha... found ya" he said while panting a storm.

~He's basically asking for me to hit him~

He slides his stupid hair back and tucks it behind his ear "Let's try and clear up the misunderstanding. Shall we." He winks at Mira

~The nerve of this prick~

"How about the three of us have coffee" he turns his head towards Milo. "Oh and he can come too"


I can't help but smirk "Should we" I replied, obviously playing him.

Mira grabs onto my arm
"Zack don't" she pleads

"Let go, I won't touch him"

Milo POV

This idiot is about to get into another fight. I felt kinda bad for the dude on the receiving end, he has no clue what's about to hit him.

~I'll step in if I have to, fighting right now won't benefit anyone. Plus my shift starts soon.~

Zack walks closer towards the short stocky kid
"The three of us? Coffee?" He says in a taunting voice


The expected happened and Zack threw a punch at his face

~Poor kid~

"Piss off" Zack said as the boy fell backwards
"I told you not to show yourself again"

I crowd started to surround us.
I hate unwanted attention, I could see cameras everywhere, and the gossiping crowd was so annoying!

~Zack, I swear you are such an idiot sometimes~

He grabbed the kid by the hair and was about to hit him with his other fist, I swiftly jumped between them and grabbed his fist just before he could land a hit.
Zack glared at me and I glared back
We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, neither of us leaving eye contact

He grunted and looked away,
~I always win~

I keep my gaze aimed at him and he caves "whatever he wasn't worth my time anyway,"

I grin at him
~I can't believe he just walked away like that, he's changed so much~

The crowd was clearly unhappy about the outcome of that fight

"That was lame"

"what a party pooper"

"At least the grey hair dude is hot"

"Is he a model?"

Zack shot his evil glare at the crowd and they all scurried off.

"ah I have to get to work now, I'll see you guys at school"
They nod at me and walk away.

I turn to face to the kid on the floor trembling
I walk towards him and offer my hand
I help him up and he grinned at me like I was some kind of God.

"Th..hank you, my name is Daniel"

"Nice to meet you Daniel, Im Milo, Are you okay? Sorry about my friend he did quite a number on you.."
I reach into my bag and hand him a bandage.

"Thank you. A-again."

"No problem" I let out a small grin
"Anyway I have to get to work, I'll see you around"

We wave at each other and walk in opposite directions
~He seems intriguing, I wonder if I'll ever see him again"

End of chapter


Words: 1170
Alright that's chapter one hope you enjoyed it!
I'm open to constructive criticism so tell me how to improve, have a good day

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