Meet the characters

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Name- Macaria Nyx

Age- unknown

Height- 5'5"

Nationality- Greek

Languages- Greek, Norse, Celtic, Italian, English

Job- Professional Volleyball Player 

Salary- $187,200 (annual)

Sports- Volleyball and basketball

Hair color- Blonde (dark blue when using powers)

Eye color- Hazel (icy blue when using powers)

Power(s)- Shapeshifting, Goddess of Element, Animals, Painless Death and Nightmares

s/o- Layla 

Family- Hades (father), Persephone (mother), Melanie (twin sister (deceased), Erin (younger brother (deceased), Z (youngest brother (deceased)

Nicknames- May: she was born in May, Maze: easier to say than her name, Icy: only Layla calls her this

Personality- silent but deadly. cold until you know her. loves to read books, loves animals. think she can't sing but she actually can. loves music. 

Name- Layla Laufeyson

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Name- Layla Laufeyson

Age- unknown

Height- 5'7"

Nationality- Norse 

Languages- Norse, Greek, Italian, English

Job- FBI Profiler

Salary- $191,355 (annual)

Hair color- black

Eye color- brown

Power(s)- shapeshifter, magic

s/o- Macaria

Family- Loki (father), Angarboda (mother), Thyra (younger half sister)

Nicknames-  Wolfy: only maze calls her this, Fenrir: she is the Giant Wolf in Norse Mythology named Fenrir.

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