The Heart Remembers

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*Macaria's POV

I walked back to the bar and I see Kali and Ari. When they see me I give them a death stare, "where did you guys go?" I ask and Kali rolls her eyes, "we went out on the balcony when we couldn't find you," she says and I nod my head.  I order another drink with a smile on my face, "what has you smiling so much?" I hear Kali say and I shake my head, "I just met someone who I haven't seen in years," I say, and I see her walk back out to where her father is, and we make eye contact. She motions for me to come back up and I start walking to her, "I'll see you guys later," I say and walk away. I walk up the stairs and walk to her, I sit on the couch next to her, "what's up wolfy?" I say and she smiles, "not much icy." I smile at her and see her father walk over, "I see you guys finally reunited after years," he says with a smirk. Layla moves over closer to me to make room for her father, "you better take good care of her now," Loki says.

Me and Layla look at each other and she places her hand on my thigh and she tightens her grip when she sees her uncle walk over. Her uncle is the God of Thunder himself, Thor Odinson. I put my hand on hers and squeeze it to help calm her down. I never told her, but her uncle is the reason I was sent away. I tighten my grip and Layla notices, and she pulls me closer to her. Once Thor is over by us, he notices me being close to Layla and gives me a death stare. "Layla get away from her," Thor says and Loki looks at me, I link him, "Thor is the reason I was sent away when me and Layla were kids," I say and his eyes widen. He grabs Thor and pulls him away, I pull my hand away and link Kali and Ari, "can we leave? Thor recognized me," I say. They look up in my direction and nod their heads, "I will see you soon wolfy," I say and walk away.

I feel her eyes on me as I walk away with my friends, "What happened up there May?" Ari asks. I start to cry forgetting that I had a bond with Layla, not even a second goes by and she is in the elevator with me, Kali and Ari. "Icy tell me what my uncle did to you?" she asks, and the girls get out before the elevator door closes, Kali links me, "we will meet you home" she says. I look away from Layla, "did your uncle or grandfather tell you who sent me away?" I ask and she shakes her head, "no. I thought you were just playing me and left," she says.

My heart sinks, she thought I was playing her, I turn around and hug her, "I would never play you like that, ever," I say as I cry into her chest. She rubs my back, "than tell me why you left me," she says, and I pull away, "I had to leave, if I didn't, he would have hurt you," I say and look down. "Who would have hurt me baby?" she asks, and I look at her, "Odin, your grandfather. He told me that I wasn't worth anything and I didn't deserve your love. I tried to hold my ground saying I could kill him quickly and with ease, but he retaliated and said if I hurt him, he would hurt you," I say as I break down.

I couldn't stand anymore so Layla picked me up and brought me to her car and drove me home. Once we reached the house, she walked in and saw all the guys, who were my teammates, "can you point me to her room," she asks and Danny nods and point to the side, "down the hall, left first door on your right," Danny says, and she thanks him. She walks into my room and places me on my bed about to leave, "stay with me," I ask, and she smiles and nods her head, "I wasn't going to leave, I was just going to close the door baby," she says, and I smile and nod my head. She uses her magic to change into pajamas and climbs into my bed with me. "Why didn't you tell me about my grandfather doing that to you?" she asks, "he said if I said anything he would hurt kali and Ari first and then he would hurt you," I say with tears rolling down my face. She wipes my tears away with her thumb, "I am never letting you out of my sights again, where you go, I go with you," she says and kisses my head.

I wake up and feel a heavy arm around my waist and I look to see Layla, and I sigh thanking god it wasn't a dream. I was able to get out of her hold and walk into the kitchen to get coffee, "who was the lucky girl you brought home yesterday and why?" I hear Danny ask and I look at him, "you know how I am a Greek God's daughter?" I ask and he nods his head, "well the girl I was with was the girl who I had to leave from Asgard cause my uncle and her grandfather are enemies," I say, and he nods his head. I sigh and get a cup of coffee, I sense someone watching me and when I turn around, I see the girl I love, "my grandfather made you leave?" she asks and I see her eyes changing, "Layla calm down. We don't need him coming out," I say, and she looks away then back at me. "Who made you leave me all those years ago? Baby, please tell me, was it my grandfather?" she asks, and I start crying, "yes and no," I say.

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