Chapter 1 : cold blooded

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Aether couldn't just laugh at venti's trick. Afterall, even though the lire was his to begin with, it was a cherished artefact within mondstadt.
As the bard started running away, however, his mood switched in an instant. The hair on the back of his neck rose up. His whole body was screaming at him that something was definitely wrong here. He bolted, as fast as he could, even using his anemo magic as a means of propulsion. still, the bard got out of the cathedral before him. Aether conjured up his sword, seeing two debt collectors of the fatuis appearing behind the Anemo Archon. Weapon already out, the traveller plunged his blade in the back of the left attacker, sending the right one tumbling away like the worthless weight he was with a strong gust of wind. He then spun around, cutting the impaled assassin in half. He jumped at the other fatui, who had gotten up just in time to guard himself from the plunging attack coming from the saviour of mondstadt. He took the opportunity to hit him in the jaw with the hilt of his weapon, stunning the traveller before restraining him. Venti, meanwhile, who turned around as soon as the first debt collecter got killed, was frosen waist up by an unknown assailant.

"At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh." By those words, La Signora, The Fair Lady, the eighth of the eleven fatui harbringer made her involvement in this ambush known "Scurrying through the streets, looking for leftovers... Mondstadt calls this a god?" She taunted, quite proud of her own clever little jab

"Resident rodent... beats invasive vermin–" the harbinger slapped venti across the face, making the god whimper ever so slightly. Aethers heightened senses picked up on this however... And his rage grew. The archon quickly started dissolving the ice covering him with strong wind currents

"Absentee archon of Mondstadt...How impotent you have become..." Watching the ice crumble away slowly, she smiled. This battle was over, and she knew it

"That smirk you wear looks out of place. Did you steal it from your master's face ?"

"Should have held your tongue." La Signora then shot back her true answer at the bard, who's profession made her totally outmatched in a battle of words. She used her magic to punch him, reaching for something deep within the Archon at the same time. As venti fell to the ground, Aether's anger finally peaked, as cold and deadly as the fatui harbringer herself. A massive tornado spurted out from his hands. In less than a second his captor was blown hundred of meters up. The travelers then used the insane wind velocity of the tornado to launch himself, drawing out his blade. As La Signora raised her arm to stare at the object she retrieved from the insides of venti, his sword struck like lightning. He then switched around in mid-air, and aimed both his feets so that each one would plant right in the face of the fatui electro mages who where standing behind the eighth harbinger. Their face where absolutely wrecked, reduced to an unrecognisable mess of flesh and crushed bones. Aether softly landed on the ground, staring coldly as The Fair Lady fell to the ground, holding the stump that once was her right forearm. She gently froze it over. The traveler walked slowly, sure of his victory and more than willing to smite the fool who dared try to hurt an archon, who, at that, was a close friend of his. She would meet a bitter end. No grand speach or slick moves. A clean head-cutting blow would more than suffice. As soon as Aether made his first step on the ice, however, he understood his mistake. A spear grew out the cold surface, piercing his abdomen before quickly melting. The traveller gaged, and coughed, making a futile attempt at stopping the bleeding. La signora stood once more, laughing

"Do you crave death this much, Harbringer ?" Asked jean, who had just exited the cathedral with all the guards there

"Are you menassing me, Dandelion Knight ? Are you really that daring as to try and murder an embassador of the fatui empire in cold blood ?"

"What about you, Signora. Are you willing to die to put such a threat to reality ?" The harbinger looked around for the gnosis

"Leave, 'ambassador' or you'll be doing it feet first."

"This means war, Jean. The fatui empire will end you and your forsaken city soon enough." She then poofed away, only mildly annoyed

Solar Winds (Genshin Impact what if story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon