Chapter 15: Raising the Stakes

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Riley stood next to Cee as they waited for the Uber. It was awkward, Cee was still fuming and Riley didn't want to risk making her even more angry, but they had about a million questions for the headstrong woman at their side. They decided to just skip to the most important question.

"I still don't understand how you could call Avi your friend? They were possessing you. Do you have Stockholm Syndrome or something?"

Cee sighed. "I was waiting for you to ask." She sounded tired. "Riley, do you know what it's like to be so thoroughly trapped that you know that there's no way to escape without becoming trapped in a different way?"

After a moment of thought Riley responded. "No."

"Well, I do. And I chose the cage that was gilded. Besides, it's not like Avi never considered my input or did what I wanted to do instead of what they wanted."

"Why would they do that?"

Cee shrugged. "It's like having a roommate, you've got to compromise if you want things to go smoothly. And if things weren't going smoothly I could always mentally sing all the shitty country songs I still have memorized until I got what I wanted. Plus, we could feel each other's emotions. Unless they were blocking me out, which they can't do if I don't ask them to, as per the terms of our deal, if one of us was sad so was the other. So we each had a vested interest in keeping each other happy."

Cee closed her eyes and learned gently against a wall before continuing.

"And it's not like Avi's pure evil or anything. They were incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to live like a human. I gave them something they thought they would never have. You can't imagine what that means to a manifestation of avarice."

"And what did they give to you?"

"Fun, and a future, and someone I could rely on to take care of me when I needed it. And like a million dollars."


"Oh yeah, we're filthy rich. Avi owns this resort in Vegas, it brings in the big bucks. Plus they're an expert at the stock market."

Riley tried to think of how to respond to this information. "You're paying me back for this Uber."

"Of course." Cee's smile didn't reach her eyes. But it still reminded Riley so much of Avi that they had to look away for a minute or risk drowning in conflicting emotions.

Just then the Uber pulled up. As Cee walked towards it Riley remembered that Avi had asked them to take care of her. Despite everything, they felt they should keep their word on this one, and maybe even go the extra mile.

"I'm going to ride with you, make sure you get home okay."

"Don't you need to stay with the team?"

"They're not going to send me on a mission with guaranteed combat. I can take the time to stay with you."

"Okay, thanks," Cee said unenthusiastically. Riley suspected she was still bitter at being made to leave the base.

"I could stay with you after you get home too, for protection."

"You can't do anything to protect me, so don't try." Cee's tone wasn't cruel, just matter-of-fact and tired. She climbed into the car and Riley followed, choosing not to respond.

The ride was silent. Cee stared out the window. The driver, thankfully, decided against making small talk. Riley tried to prepare themself for a long ride full of awkwardness.

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