Chapter 5: Hope This One's Interesting

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Riley had never seen Director Coleman look this angry before. She was gripping the armrests of her wheelchair so tight it looked like she was about to launch herself forward to strangle them. Her face was red, the veins in her forehead bulged, and Riley was sure that everyone on the building's main floor could hear her yelling at them.

"So why, Agent Bishop, did you not think to tell me any of this?"

"I, um—"

"Or at least warn me that you were bringing a demon in on the investigation?"

"I didn't want to give Bell time to—"

"Do you have any idea the sheer amount of paperwork I will have to do to explain how a routine interview turned into a demonic incident? Involving multiple demons?"

"I didn't think it would turn out like this!" Riley pleaded desperately.

Coleman paused and took a few deep breaths. "You... improvised. You used an unorthodox method to aid in the investigation and that's fine, usually, but for god's sake keep me informed about stuff like this!"

"Yes, Sir," Riley said, looking down.

"At least everything turned out okay."

Their head snapped up to face the director. "What? But someone lost her soul!"

"Clara Bolton made a choice. One that saved her life when I don't know what else could have. She chose her life over her soul, and we can't judge her for that or ignore that she made that choice of her own free will. So take the win, Riley."

"Yes, Sir."

"Besides, whenever demons are involved I consider it a win when all of my agents come back alive. Also, you're suspended for a month."

"That seems about right."

"Now, I can't stop you from keeping in contact with this demon, no matter how much I wish I could. But if you want to bring them in on any more missions or investigations once you get back you will inform me first. Understood?"

"Understood, Sir. But trust me, I don't think I'll be contacting them again."

"Good. Now go home, Bishop. I'll see you in four weeks."

Riley left Coleman's office. Just as they reached the elevator Sil grabbed their shoulder to stop them. It was a bit of an awkward angle because of how tall Riley was, but she managed to turn them around to face her.

"Look," Riley started. "I know I should have told you, and a part of me wanted to, but it all just seemed too crazy. I'm sorry."

"I would have done the same."

Riley's train of thought went off a cliff. "You what?"

"I would have done the same. I mean, I also would've told Coleman what I was doing, but you were trying to turn a threat into an asset. It was dangerous, and stupid to try alone, and not the job of a researcher at all, but I get it. I just thought you should know that."

"Thanks. That really means a lot."

"But seriously don't talk to that demon again, it's not worth it. When you yelled at them earlier I almost had a heart attack."

"I won't. And if they try to contact me I'll call you right away."

"Good. Sounds like a plan. Take care of yourself, Riley." Sil squeezed their shoulder and smiled.

"I will."

Riley left and started walking toward the subway station. As they walked they opened up Spotify and saw that several of their playlists had a new like. And they had a new follower. Someone with the username Aureum and a profile picture of a gold coin.

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