The Flower Boy

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Tubbo woke up the next morning and started to prepare for school. That's when he noticed something moving outside his window. It was the boy from yesterday sneaking through the garden. Tubbo quickly got dressed, his shirt getting stuck over his head. He didn't bother to grab his bag yet since he wanted to speak to the boy first.

Tubbo ran out the door before his mother could stop him. He went to looked for the where he spotted the boy earlier, he was no we're in sight. Finally after a minute of searching Tubbo saw him. The boy was giving some flowers he took to a group of butterflies.


The boy flinched and started to back away into the forest.

Wait, don't run away again. I want to talk to you.

The boy slid back even more before stopping and hesitated. The boy looked at the flowers then at Tubbo. He took a rose and handed it to Tubbo.

Thank you...? Uhm, what's your name?

The boy tilted his head to the side. Tubbo was confused before realizing why he didn't talk.

You can't speak English can you? That's ok, I'll name you... Ranboo! You ran when we first met and your scary like a ghost.

Tubbo giggled and Ranboo looked happy about the name.

Tubbo's mum:
Tubbo, sweet heart, where are you? Your going to be late for school!

Tubbo turned to Ranboo and sighed.

I'm sorry Ranboo, I have to go I have school.

Ranboo looked sad, he seemed to understand English, but just couldn't speak it. Ranboo turned to the forest and left. Tubbo hoped he'd see his new friend again after school.

This one was short, but I wanted to get it done in school and had time to get this far. Also I felt like this was a good point to end it. Thank you for reading I hope you liked it.

Have a great day <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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