An Early Start

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Tubbo wakes to the sun shining through his window. It was his first day of secondary school, and he wanted to start early so he would have time to make friends. Hopping out of bed he quickly changed and ran down stairs to greet his mother for breakfast.

Tubbo's Mum:
Morning sweetheart, you hungry?

Yes please! Is dad out in the garden?

His mum handed him a plate of a full breakfast and nodded. His parents owned a flower shop in town not far from his school. Tubbo hurriedly yet silently ate so he could say goodbye to his father before he was off to school.

As soon as he finished he put his plate in the sink and said his goodbye to his mother, Tubbo then immediately went outside into the yard. Searching the wide garden he eventually found his father starting a new plot near the forest.

Morning father, what are you doing?

Tubbo's father:
Starting a new plot of flowers. This one is gonna be yours to take care of.

Really!? All by myself? Oh I'm so excited, but first I'm off to school and came to say goodbye.

Tubbo's father:
Well you better hurry off then. See you later, love you!

Tubbo waved goodbye and off he went to school. Down the street and around a few corners, past a sweet smelling bakery and a furniture store soon enough he was at the gates to the school.

Sorry this one is short, I wanted to make it longer but really wanted to get the story out. I hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day <3

The Boy in the Flower GardenWhere stories live. Discover now