Chapter 6 - Old Classmates

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Sammy just stared at me. I frowned, did I say something wrong? She wanted to know…

She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, “Wow, Jace. Just wow. People need to give you more credit. After all these years you stayed strong. And you know what, even though we haven’t known each other forever, I’m proud to call you my friend. I think that the people from your old school didn’t understand you as a person…” She raised her finger shaking it lightly in front I my face with a mischievous smile “But, I have a plan to get both Sophia and Hazel off your case. You may have tried this, but I think to get them off your back you should just act like nothing happened. I mean, they made your life misery, but I think the best way to get past that is to stop living in the past. Show them that they don’t have control over you; you’re your own person. And for the record I think the eye thing is really cool!” She ended with a grin

I appreciated her lightening the mood, I myself felt lighter. Getting that off my chest to someone other than my mum was actually an amazing feeling, like I didn’t have to do all this on my own. And now she was going to help me get through this, with another one of her plans… To be honest, her plan was a good one. The whole ‘Show you enemy’s that they don’t control you. Smile and live life, that’s the better than revenge’ thing made sense. It was time to live life.

I looked at Sammy and grinned “Let’s do this!”

With a signature Cheshire cat smile she dragged me to the dance floor.

I loved this girl, without a doubt, she’s my best friend.


The party was in full swing by now and everyone was laughing and dancing.

I’d seen Noah a couple of times talking and hanging out with his friends, he looked like he was having fun. I smiled to myself, I don’t know why though.  Sammy and I were dancing away when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Hazel and Sophia staring at me.

“Oh hey Hazel and Sophia! Great party!” I chirped over the music, playing along with ‘the plan’

They both looked at little taken back by my happiness, until the exchanged a look and smirked at each other. Here we go again; they’re making a plan of their own. I had my suspicions that Hazel and Sophia would get along.

“Yeah it is great, isn’t it great to catch up with everyone?” Hazel said gesturing to Sophia and a couple of old class mates smirking

I smiled sweetly and replied “I didn’t think I’d see them again, funny how things work out, huh?” My sweet smile turned a little smug when Hazel looked a little surprised again but hid it quickly

“Huh, well anyways, I’ll see ya later” she replied flatly

Sammy and I looked at each other; she gave me a knowing smile.

Even though they’re persistent in ways to get me down hurt a little, but Sammy’s plan works. The fact that they continue to try and put me down just to make them-selves look better saddens me, if only they knew a better way to make them-selves feel better.

“Feels pretty empowering huh” Sammy commented on the smile that formed on my face

“You bet”

We both laughed and continued to dance. Even though there was no alcohol at the party it looked like some people were drunk either way, giggling, swaying a little while walking, maybe they were drunk on the atmosphere; that’s heard of, right?

The next song started and some bad singing followed. Apparently someone thought the party was missing karaoke, well this party just got more interesting…

Sammy grinned at me with a mischievous look in her eyes, “Let’s give a go!”

I laughed, bring on the singing!


Three songs later, my throat was crying out for a drink. As I started to make my way off the stage I tripped and began to fall. Someone caught me by the waist. I heard them give a light laugh and place me back down on my feet. I turned to face them and saw Noah grinning at me. I laughed, “Thanks for that, face planting at my first party at a new school isn’t really the way I wanted people to remember my name”

“No thanks necessary, ma’am” he replied taking off an imaginary hat with a bow

We both laughed, “Hey I’m on my way to get a drink, do you want one? Karaoke really can take it out of you”

“I was actually just about to go get a drink, Shall we” He joked putting out his arm

Playing along I laughed and placed my hand dramatically over my heart, “Why thank you sir”

A few giggles later we emerged at the drink table. With both Hazel and Sophia glaring at us.

“Here we go again” I mumbled to myself, what do they have planned this time…

“I’ll go us our drinks” I suggested

“Yeah, uh… I’ll just wait here” Replied Noah casting an uneasy look towards Hazel and Sophia glaring at us

As I made my way towards the drink table Sophia whispered something to Hazel that made her lips curve into a cruel smile. I had a feeling something like this would happen yet again.

As I reached for a drink they decided to make their move and walk towards me. Hazel dramatically “slipped” and poured her drink all over the front of my dress. I exhaled, seriously this routine again?

I didn’t have the patience for this, are they really this immature?

“Oppies daisies”

“Seriously?! This is my favourite dress…” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose

“What is it with you, are you sentimental with clothing or something?” Sophia said snickering at my dress

Beauty in Unlikely PlacesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang