"So are you getting your hair washed" Maggie took out scrapbabys hair ties. "Uh why is your hair staying in place did you use gel?"

"No I've never washed my hair before" scrapbaby smiled. Maggie just laughed.

"Okay let's wash your hair then" maggie took scrapbaby to wash her hair.

"Okay so what feeling are we going for today" jessie started brushing out molten freddys for.

"Curls hehehe" molten freddy grinned. Jessie got her hairbrush stuck in his fur and was trying to pull it out.

"Okay" jessie ripped out the hair brush but was shocked when she accidentally ripped off his head. "Um is this supposed to happen" she turned pale.

"Not usually, just screw it back on its fine" sarah screwed his head back on.

"Be careful touching my fur you might get lice" scraptrap smiled. Sarah got bug spray.

"Close your eyes sweetheart"

"Heheh you called me sweetheart" scraptrap closed his eyes and sarah sprayed the bug killer. Spiders, cockroaches and all sorts of bugs came falling dead to the ground when she sprayed him.

"OMG" Sarah gagged.

"I've never gotten my hair washed by a stranger" scrapbaby was back in the chair and the lady was trimming her hair. "You can make it shorter if you want to" scrapbaby looked back at her and maggie accidentally cut off a long chunck of hair.

"Im so sorry!" maggie turned scrapbabys head around to see how bad the damage was. Scrapbaby wasnt to concerned. Maggie cut all her hair to the same length and put it back in pigtails.

"Omg" scrapbaby looked in the mirror. Maggie blushed from embarrassment.

"So what do you think" maggie scratched her head.

"I love it!" Scrapbaby got out of her seat. "It really fits my face shape" scrapbaby looked back at maggie. Maggie sighed of relief. Molten freddy came over to scrapbaby and he looked like a fluffy white bear. Scrapbaby patted his head. "Wow your fur is so soft". Scraptrap came back with fluffy fur as well. Molten freddy put 40 in the tip jar and they all walked out.

  "That was so much fun" molten freddy put his hands on his cheeks.

"They got 5 combs stuck in my fur" Scraptrap shook a dead cockroach off his foot.

   Henry went to open the doors and was surprised to not see molten freddy, scraptrap and scrapbaby. "They must have went somewhere" henry sighed and shook his head. "Alright 7:45 am the workers will be here in about 1-" henry looked up. "Oh hey holly" henry smiled. "Why are you here so early " Henry raised a eyebrow.

"Why didn't you tell us about the animatronics" happy frog jumped off the table.

"You mean the ones you're cosplaying? I told you about them" Henry started sweating.

"No like the scraptrap and scrapbaby" happy frog crossed her arms.

"Okay fine I'll tell you about them" henry sat down on a chair. "So uh scraptrap was a old business partner and we made these suits that people could wear and they also had springlocks. But william took advantage of customs and used the springbonnie one to lure kids into a room to kill them." Henry sighed. "But one night he got springlocked in the suit and became springtrap then the nightgaurd but down the building springtrap was in but then he came back as scraptrap. Henry looked at happy frog. Happy frog was speechless.

"How did he come back !?"

"That's the thing I don't know but he always says this really cheesy line" henry laughed." I always come back" henry laughed a little more.

"What about baby" happy frog sat down.

"Me and my boss partner made a circus and circusbaby was part of it. But she was actually a killing machine. One day William's kid got close to it when she was alone and circusbaby killed her. Then William's kid possessed circusbaby."

"So did her building get burnt down to and she ended up like that?"

"No, circusbaby and the other 3 animatronics became some weird clown wire mess and um." Henry gagged a little.

"And what?" Happy frog frowned.

"Well they scooped out the nightgaurds insides and wore his skin to escape"

"Oh" happy frog turned around as a person came in.

"Oh hey michael!" Henry awkwardly laughed.

"Are you dressed up for halloween"happy frog raised a eyebrow.

"Sure" michael walked into the mangers office.

"He's a little moody in the morning anyways you should get ready" henry went into his office. Happy frog unfolded the advertisement poster from last night.

"Weird wire clown thing" happy frog looked at the poster again. She folded up and got changed. Happy frog was surprised to see different people working today. "Oh I don't think I have worked with you guys yet"

"I'm rockstar freddy I like money" rockstar freddy grinned.

"Oh okay" happy frog smiled and laughed awkwardly.

"I'm rockstar bonnie and I constantly lose my guitar for some reason"

Henry came running out. "That reminds me". Henry ripped the guitar out of rockstar Bonnie's hands and threw it across the room. Every looked confused as henry walked back to his office.

  They all got dressed and did their performances. Mr.hippo and orville watched their performances. It was closing time and happy frog asked mr.hippo and orville to wait outside.

"Yeah we can do that" orville smiled at happy frog. They both went outside. "Why do you think she wants us to wait for her?" Orville put his gloves on.

"I'm not sure" mr.hippo looked over and saw the animatronics going back into the alley. "Did you see that?" Scrapbaby stopped and turned to them. Scrapbaby pulled out the gun that molten freddy gotten her.

"Might as well test it out" scrapbaby pointed the gun at them.

"I cant see anything just some weird glowing dots over there" mr. Hippo was about to turn around but then scrapbaby shot him in the stomach. Mr.hippo fell on the ground.

"Are you okay!" Orville got down on the ground. Scrapbaby walked away. Happy frog came running out.

"Are you guys okay I came running because I-" happy looked down at mr.hippo she turned pale.

"Happy frog go call 911!" orville shouted. Happy frog ran back inside and called 911. Henry came out.

"What is wrong?" Henry asked happy frog.

"Mr.hippos cosplayer got shot" happy frog wiped her tears.

"Huh" Henry turned pale. " I have to go" henry ran back into the alley. "Why did you shoot him!" Henry pointed at scraptrap.

"It wasn't me I swear" scraptrap held up his hands. "It was scrapbaby"

"Why did you shoot him!" Henry frowned.

"I'm literally a killer animatronic henry" scrapbaby rolled her eyes.

"also you guys look nice"

"Aww thanks" molten freddy blushed. There was police sirens and ambulances came to the scene. Henry walked over there.

"Sir did you see who did this?" A police man walked to henry. Henry looked back at the alley. Henry sighed.

"No I didn't"

FNaF//Scrap That!/// Pizza Simulator auWhere stories live. Discover now