Murdoc becomes poor and sells 2D to the British government

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One day Murdoc was on the ice rolling skating with his New Mexican underage boyfriend. He was soooooo rich but Murdoc looked past the money and loved him. They were roller skating and then some other BIGCH came over and pretended to fall on his boyfriend. Her whitexican flat bitch mf ass was like "omg I'm so sorry I just can't skate Juan Chan boo buba 🥺😥😫😓" she said with a dumbass voice. Murdoc was so jealous but his Juan didn't care he just believe that dumb hoe and helped her and told her he would teach her how to ice skate. 

That girl decided to look at Murdoc with a bitch shit eating shit aids having smile and it made murdocky cry tears of sad. He was veri sad and wanted to murdoer her....... 👿😡🤬👹🥶😒.

He went to his house to kock sucdios and russek aka his mother scolded him for being late to theri dinner with shherk. 

"MURDOC WHY WOUKDD YOU BE KATE FOR SUCHN AN IMPORHANT MEETING YOU DUMBASS GREASY PIMPLY BUTT GAY LOOKING ASS BIGCH" he kindly shouted at the man. Murdoc cried and says he was w his boyfriend. But russek hated that man. "GREEN GOO GOO GAGA BITCH HE DONT CARE ABOUT HUY. He is rich asf and has all the money in Latin America. And we are more poor than the author. Meaning he only wants you for one thing....." russek said warningly. Murdoc looked at him. 

"Oi i don't knoe what you mean cumass" he said trying to ignore the man. Russek sighed. "He wants to use your green slimy ass diarrhea spilling herPes filled ass for his own p,erasure dumbass. How get the fuck outta my face before I cook u like u cooked my eel. My baba grall" he said sadly. Murdoc left and killed a rat aka the author. 

Meanwhile with the boufriend 

Your mom killed juan mentally bc he was still dating Murdoc. 


"PERO MAMI YO LO AMO Y EL ME AMA. ME DEJO VER SU BANDA EN CONCIERTO BIEN CULERO" he screamed in pain bc his mom was now slapping his face with the chancla bc she's iconic. Juanito was really sad so he just went to his roomg to cryu sad

Next day at schol 

Murdoc was talking to moodlesb on the way for him to go to schoolh bc he needs the eductaion he has lacked since birth p. Noddle gave him lujch bc he only likes to eat 2ds toes bc help me. 

Murdoc was then a baddie bitch and sneaked out of school and went to the ice skating rink thing and saw that same BITCH from yesterday skating just fine. He was so angery... she lied so she could spend time with his boyfrienh! What the FRICK. He wanted to murder her but apparently it's not legal to kill a dumbass minor girl who is stealing your man. Murdoc didn't wanna go to jail again, his ass would be tore apart and not by his boyfriend this is so sad.

Anyway on his way back from school he was walking and allof a sudden a man appared and looked at Murdoc. 

"Omg ur poor u have no iphonev xdxdxd" he said no murdoki started crying asf. 

"Dint woeey I can guvu u a pirataed iPhone" the man said.

"How tf bitch u look poir asf too" murdoc roasted the man omg it was so swaggggg

"I collect the old parts of phones and use them to make whole new phone that will probably explode in ur hand. So it's basically the same thing but cheaper" the main said now making Murdoc feel like the dumbass he is lmaoooooo

Murdoc dint know if he should buy the onone.. he wanted to implórese juanito that he did have enoygh money for an ophone. So he decided he would buy it. 

The man gave him the phone and Murdoc cried tears of joy bc the phone was so sexy. 

"Thank you mysterious man that is orobably scamming me! But it's cheap so I don't give a damn" murdick said and grabbed the phone. 

He went over to janitors house to get his number and he did but then juanttos mom almost kicked him by the dick outside the house xdxd. It was veri funy. But eh did mange's to get his number and also got momos number bc it was very weird bc momo started takking about how she wanted so suck 2D's toes and it was verih sussy byebye. 

Thenext dayg 

Murdoc was walking somehwre not school bc it was da weekend and it was very fun as h talked with juanito but all of a sudden his phone EXPLODED in his hand. Thee was blood everywhere. Nobody rlly cared bc lmao green lizard can regenerate its fine. But Murdoc wasn't actually a lizard reptilian and was crying bc his hand literally exploded wtf. 

"NOOOOO HELP IF I CANT HAE MY HAND I WONT BE ABLE TO FINGER MY GEEN BUTTWHORE" he cried and how everyone was helping him and getting an ambulance. Gotta help a brother out man.

Time skip to the hosptel 

The gorillaz were at the hispital visiting murodc and crying bc lizard was in pain. He didn't lose his hand but it was very DANGEROUS and russelsprout was scolding him for buying a pirated phone instead of stealing one 🙄 dumbass. 

But then juanito arrived and started to twerk on Murdoc. Russek wa mad at first but... with that action he realized that juanito truly loved Murdoc and it wasn't just for his bumwhole. It was the best live story ever told it was told in school plays. Don't believe me? Go to your school theaters and you will find two actors making out and they r okaying Murdoc and huanito.

They lived happily ever after it was so romantic and full of twerking butts the end.

Meanwhile wit 2D

Murdoc had sold him to rich white old men because he wasted all the money of the pirated phone and hospital bills. I know that the uk has universal healthcare but not anymore I'm taking away ur rights if I have to die in Latin America then so do you. Anyway 2D was now crying bc he was told to sing the British men twinkle twinkle little star because they wanted to take a nap. But now momo was trying to sneak a lick at them toes. He was crying but it wasn't like he hadn't done this before.

The end. Fin. Slut ur mom

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