2 ~ NOOOO!!!

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"Etho!" I screamed forgetting my ankle and running over to help him. Blood leaked from my wound but I didn't care. "Etho, hold on guy, I'll save you." I murmured making two slits by the arrow wound. "One... two... three!" I exclaimed pulling out the arrow on three.

To my dismay the arrow was barbed. I dragged Etho behind a rock out of the wind. I ripped off my left sleeve and used it as a temporary bandage. He spluttered blood and woke up. "Hold on Etho, I got you." I told him.

"Anya stop." He insisted.

"No!" I wailed. I dumped a regeneration potion over his wound. The potion seeped and bubbled into him but it was to no avail. My dark red hair fall in my face. I blew it out and dumped more healing potions on my brother.

"Anya, stop." He said more weakly. Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. Blood stained the snow Etho was laying on.

"No!" I whimpered. Etho closed his eyes and... and... did that thing where you leave to go meet notch in the End.

The rest of the night I cried in the snow. The endermen even took pity on me and built me a dirt house thingy.


Okay, Aureylian has always been cute, but she's starting to become seriously beautiful.

"Vechs, Vechs!" Someone yelled shaking me out of my fantasy.

"Wha- Wha?" I stammered.

"What do we do about finding Etho and Anya?" Beef asked.

"Search?" I suggested.

"I saw them head towards the snow cliffs." Aurey said. The blood drained from my face.

"Vechs?" Pause asked cautiously.

"It's the perfect point for an ambush!" I exclaimed jumping up and running toward the cliffs, Aureylian was on my tail as we dodged trees.

Soon we found ourselves in a barren snowy wasteland. A small dirt hut was in the distance. Pause shot a messenger's arrow into the hut's window. In a few second the arrow came back. "It's them." He confirmed.

Once again we ran toward the hut. Beef burst through the door/frame/ what-ever-you-want to-call-it. Relly was first after beef.

"Oh, developers, Anya what happened?" I came in last and saw it. Etho was laying on the ground covered in flowers and blood.

"Etho, is he-?" I questioned gently. Anya nodded sadly throwing herself on top of her brother.

"Please, Notch, Please! I used all my health potions and golden apples, please! Bring him back!" she pleaded.

"Begging won't get us anywhere, believe me I've tried." Aureylian soothed.

"What?! How could you let him die?!" Pause screamed.

"I didn't know it was coming!" Anya sobbed.

"Pause, Stop! She's just lost her brother!" Beef exclaimed.

"Oh, so you're saying it's okay?!" Pause snapped tears streaming down his face. Everyone was crying now.

"No, I miss Etho too! I knew him almost as long as you did!" Beef snarled.

"Stop, Fighting won't get us anywhere." Said the voice of reason (Aureylian).

"I agree." I said sadly.

"He may be gone but he wouldn't want us to fight." Aurey explained.

"I'm still mad at that... that... traitor!" Pause yelled lunging at Anya, who with a broken ankle, yelped and scurried away just before pause's fist hit the ground where she was sitting.

"STOP!" Someone yelled. We looked up in shock to see a wispy ghostly from of Etho. "You're giving me a migraine." He complained.

"Etho!" Anya exclaimed trying to hug her brother. Her arms just passed right through him.

"Anya, I'm just a ghost." He said reaching out. Anya just reached out enough to touch his fingertips.

Pause started screaming again. "You don't deserve Etho as a brother! You got him killed!"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa Pause you got it wrong. I willingly took the shot, she knows where you're going I don't." Etho said.

"I'm still not happy with her." Pause grumbled.

"Etho, why the cliffs? That was a perfect ambush point." I said, shifting my green goggles.

"Oops. Sorry." He grinned in his Canadian accent.

"Wait where's your mask?" Beef asked.

"I don't need it anymore. My scars are gone. Except this one." He said pointing to the scar over his eye. "I got to go, Heal my sister, that arrow wound is bad. Pause, I know you blame Anya, but really, If I didn't die and she did would you be any less sad? Imagine how I would feel." He went on. "Bye." He waved.

"Oh, and one last thing, I hereby declare that Anya, my only sister, will inherit Ethocorp in my legacy. Also, my funeral better not suck."

"Wait!" Aurey exclaimed but Etho had already faded away.

Then I spoke up softly. "Guys, I haven't been totally honest with you, about my origins. My father, he's Herobrine." I screwed my eyelids shut waiting for someone to slice me in half. Instead I felt something warm on my lips. I opened my eyes and, holy Notch, best day EVER! (Except for you know, Etho dying). Fireworks went off in my head, I was kissing Aureylian.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I mumbled. "Best. Day. Ever." I murmured.

"Well, the kiss part anyway." Aurey said stating what I was thinking.

"Whaaaaa? Okay... this is a really weird day...." Beef said scratching his head.

"Umm... Let's go fight Herobrine." Anya said wiping her nose. "I'm going to avenge my brother."

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