Everyone was discussing something but they couldn't say that in front of Sakayanagi. Hashimoto who couldn't bear Sakayanagi's intense gaze got up from his seat.

Hashimoto: "Isn't the one who thinks like that is you, princess."

Arisu: "Fufufu. I appreciate that you think of that high but that's not me, most probably."

Kamuro: "Isn't that a quote from a parallel universe. It must be you."

Arisu: "Fufufu, I wonder. I think I know who is it, don't worry."

Class B

Ishizaki: "Who do you think it is, Ryuuen-san?"

Ryuuen: "There are two people who come to my mind. What do you think Hiyori?"

Hiyori: "I don't know but it sounds like something Sakayanagi-san will think."

Ryuuen: "Kukuku. Do you think so? I was gonna go with a different answer, but let's go with Sakayanagi if you say so."

Ibuki: "Aren't you depending on Shiina too much? Answer something yourself."

Ishizaki: "Calm down Ibuki, we all have to contribute if we want to win."

Ibuki: "Tch. Whatever."

Class C

Kanzaki: "Hmm, I don't think anyone other than Sakayanagi-san will think something like that."

Chihiro: "But, anyone who only thinks about themselves can think that. It's just that Sakayanagi-san doesn't hide it, however, there are many people who think like this. Ah, I am not saying it's someone from our class."

Honami: "Don't worry, Chihiro-chan. We know you didn't mean it."

Shibata: "But what Chihiro-san is saying is correct. We cannot just answer Sakayanagi-san. We are already behind class B and class D, so the losing point here doesn't really make sense."

Honami: "Yeah, I also think that. We cannot do a random guess when there is a high chance of losing a point."

Class D

Horikita: *Sigh* "So does anyone have any idea who could it be?"

Kushida: "I think we should skip this one, Horikita-san."

Keisei: "Yeah, I also think it's better to skip but before that, we should ask all of us to confirm."

Everyone started murmuring and came to the conclusion that no one knows anything. However, one person was silent in midst of all this.

Haruka: "Hmm, Kiyopon? Why are you so silent? Don't tell me you know something..."

Kiyotaka didn't flinch as he already knew Haruka was looking at him for some time. 

Kiyotaka: "Well, I didn't want to say anything because it will sound like I don't care about my friends."

Hearing an unexpected reply from Kiyotaka, Ayanokouji Group was in shock. While they were thinking of a reply, suddenly Haruka, who was sitting behind Kiyotaka, grabbed him from behind.

Airi: "H-H-Haruka-san?"

Haruka: "Ahh, should I be happy that Kiypon is sharing his feelings with us openly or sad that this whatever emotion thing Infinity-kun gave him made him make an error in judgment."

Keisei: "Yeah, I was also thinking what happened to Kiyotaka, but then remembered he got emotions from Infinity-kun."

Kiyotaka: "You guys are overestimating me. And Haruka, you will choke me, and 'they' are touching my head also." he said the last part so only Haruka could hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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