Chapter 22 - ignoring meals for better meals*

Start from the beginning

Soobin was running late.

After taking care of some things that needed to be done, he didn't even realize the time had already approached for him to get ready. After the quick shower he had, he was now dressed in—not in the 'Choi Yeonjun's my boyfriend' shirt, quite unfortunately but in a black ripped jeans that will certainly offer you a glimpse of his milky thighs and a loose silk shirt thin enough to occasionally reveal Soobin's erfectly build abdomen that was carefully put together by a loose strip which was tied together in a butterfly knot. His hair was styled so that his forehead was revealed and he had left his hair a little messy to add a final touch to his raven hair.

The new look he had tried explained as to why he was running late, but could you blame him? apparently Yeonjun's parents had informed they wouldn't be able to make it, and the trio in their friend group had ditched them saying they already had plans. Soobin doubted it, considering how quick they were to refuse and connected the dots as the three, specially Beomgyu had been very busy to hang out with the two which let them 'have their private time' as Beomgyu reasoned. But was Soobin complaining? No. In short, as the only company of Yeonjun—he just had to look good.

He entered the hall the competition was happening in, perfectly aware of the stares he was receiving. It made him shy, but he was sure it'll be worth it since Yeonjun was quite the fashionista himself and will probably throw a hurricane of compliments to Soobin as he always does.

Soobin carefully walked to the seat number on his ticket, sitting on the fourth row from the front where it offered a great view--thankfully. And he looked around to see people still flooding in, he wasn't that late it seemed.

Soobin adjusted himself on the seat as the lights went out in the hall and the lights in the stage turned on, revealing the announcer.

Some unbelievably long and boring speeches followed, and the first contestant walked over to the stage. Then the next. And the next. They didn't really matter-and it was almost a blur. Amidst all that, Soobin could tell all the others too had worked hard and were equally talented. He had to admit there were a few performances which left his mouth hanging open- still he was persistent on Yeonjun being the best contestant eventhough he hadn't even walked to the stage yet even.

After what felt like eternity, Yeonjun's name came from the announcer. Soobin's heart picked up its race, his body going cold. He rubbed his hands against each other in an attempt to warm them up.

Soobin watched as Yeonjun took gentle steps towards the stage to the sound of a piano being played, dressed in flared pants and a shirt-all white hugging hos body. the performance started with a mid-air spin, and Soobin watched as Yeonjun continued to move to the rhythm. The crowd went silent for a minute or two, and as the sound of the violin got higher and higher reaching that melancholic cry-like tone, the performance only got more and more intense and emotional. A few gasps could be heard from the crowd and Yeonjun finished with four last spins- as Soobin counted. Soon, the sound of the applauses erupted the hall, and Yeonjun bowed to the audience before the curtains closed.

Soobin let out the breath he was holding. All his doubts about the other contestants being better seemed to be fading away now. Maybe he was being biased, but Yeonjun's performance seemed to be better on all aspects and a glimpse of a proud smile made its way to Soobin's lips.

The other performances too, didn't matter. And when it was finally time to announce the winners, Soobin's hands unconsciously intertwined together on his lap, praying.

He held his breath when the third place announced. It was some other he knew their age called Hwang Hyunjin. Yeonjun's not the third. Maybe second? He had to be the first though.

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