A Different End

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This is my first time writing but this is how I wish the Divergent series ended. This may be shitty writing, but it ends with a happy ending. One that Veronica Roth did not produce. I do not own any of the characters but I own the story. In this book Uriah did not die and I have changed a few things that happened in Allegiant.

I heard David's gun go off ,once ,twice, I don't know where it hit but I feel the pain and slowly drift, all I can manage to think is 'I love you Tobias'.

The drive back feels like forever and the newly reset Peter is stupid as ever. As they drive I can only think about Tris. Has some thing happened to her? Is she alright? How is she now that Caleb's dead? A few hours later we are back at the Bureau. I see Cara by the front door with a worried look on her face, This can't be good.

I jump out of the truck before it's even fully stopped filled with worry and I run to Cara. "Tobias" she says in a calming voice, without much worry. "She's okay, but she went in instead of Caleb. The doctors don't know the after affects because she's the first to fight he death serum." That's all I need. I run to the medical side of the Bureau complex. I see Uriah waiting in the waiting room, he must be waiting for Tris. "Uriah. Where's Tris?" "She's in room 24 you can go in now if you want." "Okay thanks"

I walk into room 24 and there Tris is laying an a bed, tubes connected to her arms, and a bandage on her arm. She looks so beautiful sleeping. There's a strand of hair covering her face so I lightly push it away. At this her eyes flutter open and she has a huge grin on her face. I press my lips to hers softly but she deepens the kiss, she takes her arm to wrap around my neck, but winces in pain. I pull back. "What happened while I was gone?" I ask softly. She tells me how she resisted the death serum, how David shot her, and how she released the serum into the Bureau.

I wake up when Tobias brushes my hair away from my face, my arm throbs, but I got pain medicine so it's not as bad. I'm so happy he and I are finally together again and now safe. I get released from the hospital two days later. All the people in the Bureau were told their memories were lost in a freak accident. They were also told that all our genes are different none damaged, none pure. A few months later we get to choose our apartment me and Tobias live north the marsh, now the river. Both apartments right next to each other. We were one of the first settlers in Chicago. Now the Bureau call Chicago the "Fourth City" because we are at our fourth attempt at settling here.

Tobias has grown very close to his mother,she looks younger, prettier. Uriah, and Christina move in the same apartment as us. Zeke, Shauna, Amar, and George move in to the higher floors of the Hancock Building. Cara and Caleb both moved in to an apartment near Millennium Park. There are no factions because it may cause another revolution. Everyone needs to have a job if they are able to. Tobias works as an assistant for Johanna Reyes. I work with Christina in an office where we relocate people from the fringe who want to move into the city. I still don't understand why people would want to live in the fringe but now the city allows anyone so they are welcome to move in.

* Authors Note*
This is it but let me know if you want me to write what happens next and make it chapters. This is how I wish divergent ended, and I hop that you like what I made.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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