Upon arrival it could be seen that Sable was jumping around outside with a fake set of guard armor sized for a child, dirt getting tossed around as he pretends to fight a post, his mother coming up behind him to scold him for dirtying the shops display products with wild exasperated gestures.

Rita was first to notice Marine coming down the cobblestone road, walking alongside another shop selling cured meats and grilled delicacies for the region, the cobblestone path laid beneath his feet as familiar as his home in the forest amidst the trees. The scent of food and old wood, rain buckets, and soft earth flooded his nose. A second home to him was this very path and shop. Rita waved at him, grabbing Sables attention, his eyes lit up like stars when he spotted jasmine in his arms who was squirming to rush to her best friend and get to playing. “Let go! Let go! I wanna play!” Jasmine squealed.
“Is that how I taught you to ask?” Marine gave Jasmine the look, she knows to behave better in town. She gets away with much more at home, including rudeness to her dad but she cannot be this way in front of others; it's inappropriate, and affects her social standing within the town. It’s better she learns this now than for her to be rude to the wrong person or be crass even to her dad in town. They would do anything to have a good  reason to start a scene with Marine and he doesn’t want to have to kill anyone for trying.

“Sorry Daddy...Can I please go play with Sable now?” Jasmine asked with the kitten eyes and praying paws. Marine chuffed with a smirk and set her down and off she ran like a stampede crashing right into Sable who had held out his arms for her to do so, they are both near the same age, with Sable being 9 summers, and Jasmine about 6 summers. Sable and Jasmine erupted into giggle fits as they tickled eachother, one running from the other getting tackled, tagged and trading places. Marine went inside while they wrestled and ran their seemingly endless energy off. Rita joined him inside and they sat for an afternoon meal and a cup of tea from the herbs Marine gathered in the forest for the occasion, they chatted for what seemed forever when her new mate came home from his work at the smithy covered in a thick layer of grime but happy to see Rita and Marine.

Rita ran to him and jumped into his arms, he twirled her around in a circle and planted a kiss to her cheek, “Hello Gorgeous, have you and Sable been doing okay? He’s running around like a chicken with no head with Jazz, no idea how they have so much energy to spare, I wish I had even half the amount” Jack chuckled softly, looking at Rita like she was his entire world. “Oh he has been good, he was excited to see Jasmine today I’ve been a little ill but well enough,” Rita smiled softly, she shifted her gaze back at Marine who awkwardly coughed and smiled. She blushed and smacked Jacks shoulder to get him to let go quickly. He did so with a chuckle and a quick smack to her bottom, eliciting a yelp and blush from Rita who quickly retreated for a moment.

“Hello Marine, have you been well my friend?” Jack strided over to Marine and shook his hand before sitting next to him. Rita quickly rejoins them, returning to nurse her warm tea.
“I am well my friend, She has so much energy and seems to be gone for longer each day into the surrounding forest, she knows not to stray far and I am close by at all times but she is a spirited one and so stubborn.” he laughed heartily enjoying his memories of her recent adventures. “Now, I wonder where she gets her stubbornness from?” Jack jabbed at Marine jokingly, Marine faked shock “Definitely not me, must be you.” Rita rolled her eyes but smiled behind her cup as they busted out into mutual laughter. Jasmine and Sable burst through the shop door running around still chasing each other, at the moment Jasmine was the chaser and was gaining on Sable, bouncing around till she tackled him, effectively pinning him face first and flat on the ground crouching on his back her little bobbed tail wagging. He groaned from beneath her tapping the floor. “You win this time Jazzy! That’s 20-23.” Sable grumbled and stuck his tongue out at her when she let him up. “Rock paper scissors? Or hide and seek? I done chasing you, you too slow Sabby.” Jasmine puffed her cheeks, when Sables eyes welled up and he pouted clearly angry at her comment.
Marine glared at Jasmine, “Be nice! You don’t make mean comments like that to your friends. You wouldn’t like being called slow when doing your best would you?” Jasmine pouted, tapping her feet together while hanging her head. “Sorry Sabby..” Jasmine sniffled at being called out by her dad. “It's okay, don’t do it again please!” Sable shouted excitedly totally forgetting he should be upset and said they should play hide and seek. They ran off to play outside again slamming the door behind them not returning till the sun went down.

Marine, Rita, and Jack just relaxed till the children passed out on the floor in a pile of fur with a blanket placed over the pile for fear they would wake if moved and start their rampage all over again. “This was an enjoyable evening my friends, stay safe I must make the trip home now.” Marine said as he hugged Rita, taking her hand and kissing it before turning to shake hands and clap Jacks back in a hug. Such a change from the time so long ago that he hated physical affection, he still hates it with others but he had long since made them the exception to the rule.

He picked up Jasmine from the top of the pile, tucking her into his arms covering her face and body with he discard cape. He quietly opened the door heading down the path toward home, sticking closer to the outskirts of the town at this time of night. Having to go slower so as to not wake up his daughter he decided to take in the scenery quietly.

The night cast a blue glow over the town and forestry, it complimented the fall colors so well and left a comforting chill against his cheek, the soft sounds of crickets in the night accompanied by the serenades of the owls from the forest. Occasionally a dog would bark complimenting the song filling the night air. Crisp leaves crunching under his paws on the dirt path relaxing Marine with the familiarity, Jasmine's soft snores from his arms made him sleepy as well, his yawn ripped from his throat without his permission.

Since when did his life become so calm he could relax enough on a walk home through the forest that he could yawn. He used to be hated wherever he went, and while he sure wasn’t popular he finally had a family of his own. His world widened only because of this little fur ball he calls his daughter. Adopting her as his own was the best decision he ever made in his life. He was even grateful for the hardships of his past that he had to endure, he wouldn’t have met her if he didn’t leave his fathers tribe in the marshlands. If he hadn’t been chased to the forests by villagers in the plains he wouldn’t have settled down here in time to find Jasmine in that box. She was his whole world, the reward of her growing up to be a strong, capable and independent woman will be his greatest accomplishment in life.

Much too soon home came into view he clasped her to his chest as he climbed up the ladder, opened his door and laid her into bed beside him and tucked them both into the plush fur blankets. While he lay next to her enjoying the deep set pride coursing through his veins he vowed , “You will be safe for as long as I live, you are my family and my life, may the gods grant you safe passage through this life and allow me to be there for you for as long as I can.” Marine kissed her forehead and curled himself into the blankets and fell asleep right alongside her.

Author note:
This traveled a bit into the future of Marine and Jasmines story, she's 6 and her friend Sable is 9. You will get to see the differences between then and now, following the development of their lives through a wider lens than day to day can.

These stories will not be in order, i'm setting the timeline of the main book eventually through these mini stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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