Talk Of The Future Makes Me Sick

Start from the beginning

Takemichi seemed to feel eyes on him and lifted his head to meet Mikey's curious gaze. Takemichi smiled. But it was different, just like everything else. It was weak, small, but it felt more genuine that any of the others he showed others.

"Mikey-kun, did you want my leftovers?" Leftovers was an overstatement, there was a whole meal there, only a few grains of rice less than when it was handed to him.

If things were different, like they were in highschool or middle school, he wouldn't have even waited for Takemichi to ask. But Takemichi's overly thin and pale figure prevented him from doing so.


"Mikey-kun, can you come over this afternoon?" Mikey nearly shattered his phone in his hands in excitement.

"Yes, of course Takemitchy!"

Draken looked over at him strangely before rolling his eyes. Ever since they ended up going to different high schools, they hadn't been able to see each other much lately. Mikey was effortlessly good at school while Takemichi had to spend hours studying to keep up. Mikey definitely was not jealous of Hakkai or Chifuyu for being at the same school at Takemichi, or how they spend nearly every afternoon and weekend together studying, aside from when Hakkai was modelling, Chifuyu was working at the pet shop or Takemichi was working at the bakery.

"Thank you so much Mikey-kun. Also, no one else will be over, I hope that's okay with you?"

"It's better than okay! I'll be right over!"

"'s the middle of the day...we both still have school. Was I not clear enough? I'm sorry. But this afternoon please. I should get there before you, Kazu-kun is giving me a ride home."

That bastard 'Kazu-kun' was another that was stealing all of Takemichi's attention away from him. He already had to stop himself from socking Chifuyu in the face everytime he called Takemichi, 'partner' so sweetly.

"Why not ride your Babu?" Mikey asked sadly.

He was smacked on the back of the head, Draken looking down at him like he was an idiot.

"His bike is in the shop at the moment, you dumbass, you're literally the one who brought it to me."

"Oh, is that Draken-kun? Hi Draken-kun! Hakkai told me to tell you that Inui-kun was called in for an impromptu photoshoot so he can't make it to the bike shop tonight."

"Thanks Takemitchy. Also, can you please kill and bury this annoying little prick when he comes over? Because some people actually have to study," Draken grumbled.

Mikey glared at Draken, this was his conversation with Takemichi. But his anger washed away when he heard Takemichi chuckle on the other side of the line.

"Ahaha I know Draken-kun! We can't all be as smart as Mikey-kun."

"He's more of a dumbass," Draken shot back.

"Is this bully Mikey hours? You're so cruel," Mikey whined.

"I'll make it up to you when you come over."


Mikey was in heaven. Takemichi had called him over to taste his test batches of dorayaki. And he got such a cute show alongside it. Takemichi's blonde hair (thankfully by high school he learnt what toner was), was tied up in two messy space buns, courtesy of Chifuyu, an adorable pale blue apron tied around his waist that Mitsuya had gifted him the year before for his birthday.

"Mmgh thish is delicious Takemitchy!" Mikey complimented, mouth still full of food. Takemichi smiled and leant forward, to say that Mikey's heart started racing was an understatement. 'Was this finally the day? The day Takemitchy would kiss me and confess his undying love for me?' It was not.

Takemichi's scarred hand gently cupped the side of his face, his thumb grazing dangerously close to his lips. Mikey thanked all the gods that he didn't close his eyes and lean in otherwise he would have looked like a complete idiot. Takemichi's thumb wiped a bit of red bean paste from the corner of Mikey's lips, it must have squeezed out when he bit into the dorayaki. Then, what Mikey completely did not expect from his innocent oblivious friend, was to put that very same thumb into his own mouth. Takemichi's eyes lit up and Mikey's face flushed red, as if it wasn't already.

"You're right Mikey-kun, it is delicious. I finally got the recipe perfect!"

Mikey got down on one knee in the matter of two seconds, his hand with a half eaten dorayaki held up as if it were a ring.


"Takemitchy, promise me that you will keep making me these incredible dorayaki even when we're old and grey but I can obviously still kick ass because I am a god."

Laughter erupted from the Takemichi and filled the room, tears sprung in the corners of his eyes and he clutched his stomach, Mikey had never seen a more beautiful sight.

"Yes Mikey-kun! Ahaha I promise!"

"Ah but do you pinky promise?" Mikey stuck his little pinky out suggestively.

Takemichi giggled, "Pinky promise? We're 16 and 17 Mikey-kun, not children."

"But a pinky promise is the strongest promise of all, Shin told me that."

"How old were you when he told you that?"

"Five...but that's irrelevant! Do you, Hanagaki Takemichi, pinky promise that you will make me dorayaki when I, Sano Manjirou, am old and grey but still able to kick ass?

Takemichi smiled and locked his pinky with Mikey's outstretched one, "I, Hanagaki Takemichi, pinky promise to make you, Sano Manjirou, dorayaki forever."


Since when was forever so short?

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