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Created to be someone's personal Hell.

It could be a small room filled with your greatest fear, a tunnel that you endlessly run down, or the last place you remember.

For Wilbur, his personal Hell is a train station, with a train endlessly passing by, leaving a constant hum echoing throughout the station. It's never quiet. He hates it. The train taunts him, always seeming like it will stop, bringing him a new face, but it never stops; it just rolls on insulting him. It's been a long time since the train had stopped giving him someone to talk to, to learn their story.

  What Wilbur would give to have someone step off that train, someone new to talk to.

The hum of the train echos through the station, as usual, Wil sat on his bench, staring at the train that sped by endlessly for hours on end. Suddenly, the train seemed to slow down some, Wilbur stood up looking hopefully at it. It soon lulled to a screeching stop with its automatic doors sliding open and stepped out a familiar face.


Tommy's eyes flutter open, his head is pounding; the room is dark with an orange glow. He looks around panicking. Why am I here? Where is Dream? Am I...dead?

" Tommy?" A familiar voice fills the room, Tommy spins around and his eyes meet with dull red ones.

" W-Wil?" he says, gasping at the sight of his dead adoptive brother.

" Tommy...don't tell me." Wil's voice seems shakey as he steps closer to his younger brother, " Ho-How did you die?" Tommy looks down, the memory still fresh in his mind; every movement he makes is filled with pain.

" Dream...Dream- He-He killed me...He killed me!" Tommy shouts, he brings his hand to his face and into his hair, " That bastard actually killed me! Wilbur! He beat me to death!" Tommy continues to rant while pacing around the room; Wilbur watches, concerned as his brother spirals.

" Tommy," Wil says, walking towards the younger boy. " Tommy, look at me." Wil puts his hands on Tommy's shoulders, the shorter looks up to him with panic in his eyes, " You need to calm down, freaking out won't help you here."

" Listen, your dead, you cant change anything about that, alright?" Tommy gives a small nod, " Good, now, come here" Wilbur pulls Tommy into a hug holding his brother close after what seemed like a lifetime. Tommy soon wraps his bruised arms around Wilbur, finally letting go and allowing his tears to roll down his face and onto Wilbur's sweater.

   Wilbur didn't mind though, he was just happy to see Tommy again, even though this unfortunate situation. For the first time, the constant echo of the train fades into the background.

Word Count-486

That's it for chapter 2, how are you all feeling about it?

Hope you all liked it.

Love you❤

The Hum of a Train| A Crimeboys Fanfiction Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum