Chapter 16

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(This is the last chapter to Demon slayer return of the demons. I'm sorry that this must be the end though life must continue on and we remember why our loved ones lived. We are all human so there's no reason to hate one another for their choices in this life.)

I made it inside just in time to see that Inosuke and Akion were still protecting Rylie standing in front of her to protect her from any attacks. "You stupid children think you can stop the demon leader with out the help of your friend Fang Kamado" Muzan said as he charged an attack. "We may not survive this fight but will do anything to protect Rylie. Fang and her have a future and a child that they will love with all their hearts" Akion said in frustration. "We will gladly lay down our lives for our friends because they would do the same for us. Even though we know how this battle will play out, we will still fight until we take our last breath" Inosuke said in anger. The next attack was launched which sent the two of them flying into the wall to the right of them. All I saw was Rylie on the ground, tears fell down her face holding her sword as if she was still going to fight. "Come on, you have to stand and defend yourself from Muzan. Please stand once again" Rylie said as she dropped her sword to the ground. I ran towards Rylie and Muzan and used benefinte radiance to block the attack. "Fang, is it really you or have I died and I'm no longer a part of this world?'' Rylie said as she grabbed my arm. I picked her up and a tear fell down my cheek as blood flowed down my face. "I'll end this battle fast so that you and our daughter can live in this world without these demons to hurt you" I said as I handed her to Akion. Akion took her from me and I turned back around to face Muzan and told her and Inosuke to protect Rylie. Muzan then charged me trying to catch me off guard though I was able to use sunflower thrust before he could attack. "Fang Kamado you are going to pay for this" Muzan said as he coughed up blood. I pulled my sword out of him and more of his blood spilled to the ground. "This power is on par with him, that man was too powerful for a human just like you Fang Kamado. The gods themselves fear you because of how powerful you are'' Muzan said. "You want to know why I'm so powerful, Muzan. It's simple. I've trained my entire life to fight you demons and kill them all once and for all. The only demon I had trouble fighting was your clone demon though the only reason I lost to him was because of the officers behind me distracting me from battle" I said in a calm voice. Muzans face went from confident to fear by what I had told him. "You are him just in another body you and that girl are just in different bodies" Muzan said as he backed up against the wall. "You could say that but he was on a whole other level compared to me. Besides, you're not even the real Muzan. The real Muzan would be able to kill me without hesitation. All you are is a substitute for the real Muzan" I said as I closed the gap between us. "What are you saying, child? I am the real Muzan Kibujtise'' he said in anger as he launched an attack. "How much longer till the sun comes up" I yelled as I was hit by the attack. "Only 15 minutes you just need to hold out," Inosuke said. "Inosuke get Akion and Rylie out of this building now and protect them from any demons outside trying to get in to help Muzan" I said as I dodged an attack. "Fang, I'm not going to leave you to die here. I can't and won't allow it" Akion said. "It's all right just when Rylie wakes up please tell her that I love her and that our daughter is going to be just as beautiful as she is" I said as I charged Muzan. Insouke picked both of them up and started to run outside. I saw tears flow down their faces as they knew that I wasn't going to survive this fight. "I pray that my death will purify my blood for the sins and crimes I have committed to this world. I'm sorry Rylie our daughter will have to grow up without her father by her side" I said as I turned around to face Muzan. "It's time we end this fight Fang Kamado" Muzan said as he launched an attack. I blocked the attack and jumped over Muzan using clear blue sky to do some damage to Muzan. "I've had enough of these games, Muzan I'm not going to let you live to see another day" I said as I stood in a fighting stance. "You make me sick Fang Kamado it's time I just kill you instead of making you a demon" he replied as he launched an attack. "Keep your grip on your sword, don't let go no matter how much damage you take. Make your sword turn red, make it burn with the intensity of the sun. Make your heartburn brighter than any star in the universe. Whatever it takes make your blade turn bright red so Rylie and our daughter can live peacefully in a world without demons" I said as I tightened my grip. I started to connect the twelve forms of sun breathing and turned my blade bright red. This made Muzan scared by what he saw and he tried to dodge every attack that I used on him but wasn't able to avoid them. A tear fell down my face as I knew that this was my final battle. I was going to die fighting Muzan. I had accepted that I was not going to meet my daughter though I still had to win the fight. The next ten minutes of battle were the hardest of them all because I had to be perfect with each attack I landed or it could mean I lost the battle. I was losing blood with each attack I used and with each attack I gained another cut or bruise on my body. Ten minutes had gone by so I finally decided to get Muzan outside by making him destroy a wall behind me and using sunflower thrust to get him outside. The sun was just about to come up and Muzan tried to get under the rubble to survive. I stopped him and took a lot of damage from him as well though I still continued to fight Muzan. He then made himself really big to try and escape but I kept cutting him up so he would be unable to escape. After what felt like forever I was finally able to stop Muzan. "You damn child Fang Kamdo you should have become a demon you could become even more powerful than Tanjiro ever could have" Muzan said as his body disintegrated. "I could be a demon Muzan but why would I want to live any longer? My goal is complete. I have defeated the man that ordered demons to kill my parents. You also tried to kill the love of my life and my only friends in this world. So don't even think that I would ever want to be a demon" I said as I cut Muzan up even more. I fell to the ground in exhaustion and closed my eyes. A bright light started to descend on me and I heard my parents' voices calling my name. "Mother, father I'm ready now I want to see you two again" I said as I stood up. "No Fang you are not allowed to come with us please Fang go back to earth, please don't die '' My mothers voice said. "Please mother, my mission on earth is now over. I want to see you and father again" I said in despair. "No Fang you're not allowed to return to us just yet the living world still needs you to continue fighting for them" my father said in despair. "Why should I go back? My mission to defeat Muzan is over. I have avenged your deaths. I want to return to you guys" I said in despair. "Fang you may have done that but Rylie still needs you to be by her side" my mother said in a soothing voice. "Alright mother" I said as I turned around. "Wait Fang before you go. me and your father want to tell you something" my mother said in an upset tone. "We always knew you were right about the demons returning. We just never wanted it to be you that would stand up and fight them because we didn't want you to get hurt" my father said in an upset tone. "I know father though if I didn't stand and fight then who else would have fought for the lives of billions of people. I wasn't going to sit on the side lines and watch more lives be lost" I said as I turned back around. I then hugged my parents goodbye for the last time. "The next time I die I will not be joining you in heaven I will be carrying my sins down to hell" I said as I turned around and started to walk away. My parents tried to call my name and get me to turn back around but all I did was turn around and smile at them and continued to walk. "He's starting to wake up, he's alive" I heard Akion scream at the top of her lungs. This startled Rylie who was sleeping on the couch next to the window. Once she locked eyes with me she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek with a smile and a tear flowed down her cheek. For the first time in my entire life I felt like I was needed in this world and I had a purpose to continue on living. I had started fighting the demons when I was 13 years old and I was now 17 years old and I had defeated Muzan once and for all. "How long was I out for?" I asked. "You've only been out for a couple hours, Fang," Akion said with a smile. "So today marks the day we defeated Muzan '' I said as I grabbed Rylie's hand. She looked me in the eyes and I looked into hers. "Rylie will you be my wife so I can be by your side for the rest of my life? '' I said as I tightened my grip on her hand. Her eyes started to fill with tears and she got closer to me and hugged me. Two months later we were married and moved into the old demon slayer headquarters with Akion and Insouke. One month later Inosuke and Akion got married in the demon slayer headquarters. People started to visit us and ask to teach them to fight demons as well. So we did though I prevented people from learning the Hinokami Kagura to keep it in the Kamado family. Rylie and I never left each other's sides fearing the worst for one another with her being with child and my right leg in bad condition after the battle against Muzan. Though I still continued to teach people my breathing styles of Water, Ice, and Nature. I even saw old breathing styles make an appearance yet again. Those being Flame, Stone, Thunder, Wind, Flower, Serpent, Mist, Sound, and Beast. "Life is like day and night. The ones who stay shine brighter than any star in the universe. The ones that leave are the ones who stay in the shade of night hidden from your view" I said as I grabbed Rylie's hand. That day we welcomed Zorua and Lily to the Kamado family. When they turned 5 I started to teach them the Hinokami Kagura so they could continue the family tradition. Zorua never spoke a word, all he did was train to become the best sword fighter. At times I would believe he was deaf until one fateful day when Lily had fallen to the ground in exhaustion from illness. "Mother, Father, Lily needs help, she isn't feeling the greatest '' Zorua said as he ran towards me and Rylie. I quickly ran to my daughter and picked her up and rushed her inside to treat her illness. She lay bed ridden for three days straight unable to leave. This made Zorua train even harder to become even more powerful than he already was. At times I would go outside and train alongside him allowing him to test his sword skills. His talents were amazing and he would always beat me when we would train together. Zorua Kamado was powerful and was more than ready to defeat Muzan if he ever returned during his lifetime. The next generation of the demon slayers was in good hands. 

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