Chapter 15

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"Their alright they will make a full recovery with in the next couple of days so don't worry" the doctor said. "Thanks doc for everything you have done" I said as he left the room. I don't want you guys fighting the demons any more this was never supposed to happen to you. Please forgive me for leaving you to recover as I go and continue to fight the demons. Though this was always meant to be my battle in defeating Muzan. I wanted to leave the hospital though I couldn't get my self to leave the chair I was sitting in. I didn't want to leave Rylie alone I wanted to be by her side and protect her from more threats. Another part of me wanted to leave them and never return because I knew what was going to happen. I was going to die fighting Muzan and I accepted that fact long ago when I was a boy. My strength, speed, stamina, and breathing styles wouldn't be able to save me when fighting Muzan. Still I wanted the fighting to be over so I could live my life with Rylie. I walked in to their room as soon as the doctor said I was able to go in and see them and I saw tears in Rylie's eyes. The only thing I could do was warp her in my arms and cry along with her as well. That was the only thing I could get my self to do not talk or move. We spent the next couple days in the hospital for them to recover and then we continued on our mission to defeat Muzan once and for all. Once we left I continued to walk a head of them unable to say a word fearing I would lash out at them. "Fang something is wrong you need to tell us what is going through your head" Rylie asked as she grabbed my hand. I didn't respond to her and continued to walk. "Fang you can't keep hiding secrets from us were your team but most importantly your our family" Akion said in despair. "We all know your hiding the truth from us Fang you need to tell us what you know" Inosuke asked in anger. I stopped dead in my tracks after what he said to me. He was right I was hiding something that I should have told them long ago when I met them and prevented them from fighting demons. "It is true I am hiding something from you. Something that I can't escape from something that can never be un heard as soon as I tell you it" I said as I turned around. They looked at me shocked at Rylie tightened her grip on my hand. "I have told you lies so I could escape from the truth my self because I don't want it to happen. I am going to die fighting Muzan for the sake of humanity my death will purify the world of the evil Muzan created" I said as I turned back around and started walking again. They didn't want to speak for the next few minutes, it was dark out around nine meaning a demon could come from any where. "Moon breathing first form Dark moon evening palace" A demon said as an attack was launched from behind a near by building. "Protect Rylie at all costs don't let her get killed by any demon. Total concentration water breathing eleventh form dead calm" I said and was able to block the attack. "I'm not going to allow you to make it to master Muzan, Fang Kamado" the demon said looking me in the eyes. He had upper one engraved in his eyes and he smelled the most like Muzan. "What is your name demon and I may allow you to live" I said as I stood in a fighting stance. "My name is Hoshi and I am upper rank one the most powerful of the twelve" Hoshi replied. "Protect Rylie she is no longer allowed to fight battles along side us I can't risk her life" I said as I charged the demon. Inosuke and Akion tried to protest what I had said though Rylie agreed with the decision I had made. "Moon breathing second form pearl flower moongazing" he said as he attacked. "Hinokami Kagura burning bones summer sun" I said blocking the attack from the demon. We continued fighting with neither of us being able to damage to one another. Neither could we get the upper hand against the other. I tried using clear blue sky followed by fire wheel though was unable to land the attacks as if he was able to dodge them with out thinking. Thankfully Akion and Inosuke grabbed Rylie and backed her up away from the battle. "I want to help Fang fight though I would only get in his way or die from an attack from one of them" Akion said as she tightened the grip on her sword. "Moon breathing sixteenth form moonbow half moon" he said. His attack left holes in the ground of our battle field though didn't hurt any body thankfully. "Clear blue sky, Fake rainbow, Setting sun transformation, Solar heat haze, Beneficent radiance, Flame dance" Akion said as she connected six of the sun breathing forms. "Beast breathing fifth fang crazy cutting" Inosuke said and attacked the demon. "Enough of these foolish games I am going to kill you Fang Kamado" A voice said from inside a building 15 feet away from us. "That voice is Muzans he's just inside that building" I said as I blocked an attack. "What do you want us to do Fang fight off upper one well you run in and take care of Muzan" Inosuke said with a laugh. "No I want you to protect Rylie at all costs it is my final wish before my death" I said as I attacked the demon. Though before I could do anything all three of them disappeared. Muzan had taken them from me leaving me to fight upper one with out distraction.  "Your going to die Fang Kamado I'm not going to allow to reach master" the demon said as he attacked. I charged the demon catching him off guard and was finally able to do some damage and nearly take his head off. "Moon breathing sixth form perpetual night lonely Moon - Incessant" the demon said as he attacked. "Burning bones summer sun" I said and blocked the incoming attack. I couldn't keep playing defense I had to play offense if I wanted to get the upper hand in this fight. "If you really want to continue fighting me then you might want to become more powerful" the demon said as he sent another attack. I quickly dodged the attack and went on the offensive and used Setting sun transformation to do damage. This caused him to jump back with a look of disgusts on his face. "You are truly the worst person on this earth Fang Kamado I don't know why you cling to being a human so bad" the demon said in an angry tone. "Why would I want to be a demon when life is meant to be lived and died in. You demons are afraid of death and just want to take the easy way out. To me all demons are weaklings and cowards for taking the easy way out and becoming something that should never have existed in the first place. Besides after I beat you I'm going to kill your master and end this battle once and for all" I said as I charged the demon. His face drained of color as I charged him and he tried to dodge my attack. He was able to land one attack on me and I was able to do massive damage to him. "Moon breathing Sixteenth form Moonbow, Half moon" The demon said as he attacked. The damage I took wasn't a lot but blood was starting to get in front of my eyes and I couldn't see very well. He fell to the ground in fear after seeing that I hadn't taken much damage from the attack. "Alright demon I'll make this kill fast and painless for you for being such a good swords men. Nature breathing final form natures blessing I said as I cut the demons head off. "Fang Kamado you truly are amazing when we are reborn as humans my wish is that I could be your friend. This way we can learn from one another and become strong together." Hoshi said as his body disintegrated. "Sure thing Hoshi when that day comes I will be your friend. Though for now sleep well and may god be with you" I said as turned around and ran towards the building. 

Demon slayer the return of the demonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon