A new world?

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CN: I am not gonna use the real life names of these people! Btw this all probally didn't happen in lore this is all fantasy and I will delete this book if any of the dsmp members are uncomfy with this. Also the characters aren't mine.

Mention of death

<Pov ???>

Another silent night went by when little bad was sitting outside his house in his human form. He couldn't sleep at all when hes at home. His parents aren't the best tho.

Bads Mother who is an Angel is abusive to him since hes part Demon. His Father but is putting high hopes on him to take out the prince and rule the world which.. bad is not comfortable with. He just wants peace in this world and wants no war or anger around.
His "angelic" mother also told him its unacceptable to curse or commit an sin and would always punish bad when he does. After Years of the torture from the punishments, he learned. So everytime he goes to school and someone curses he would shout: "language!!" Since hes scared that theyll get punished too.

<Bads pov>

Its freezing outside but I can't go back inside since my parents are fighting.. and im kinda wanting to just find an quiet place..

no screaming..

no fighting..

no abuse..

no hurting..

just peace.

Im trying my best to help father and mother but all I am is an mistake to them. Gosh I just wish they stopped. About 2 minutes of screaming later I heard a glass breaking and an horrific scream. As I stood up and walked to the window I saw something traumatizing. My Father really shattered a vase on my mother's head. I saw how the blood ran at the back of her head down to the floor. My Father was standing still with his hands full of blood. Some seconds pass by and he started smiling. I heard him mutter things but I couldnt understand him. I watched this scene in horror. Suddenly my Father looked at me with an demonic smile. Tears formed in the cornor of my eyes. I walked some steps backwards and then took my run.

I ran faster than I ever did,

..I was so scared..

I am running to the city where my only friend lives, hes an hybird as well. His name is skeppy and hes half human half diamond. Hes the only person I know I can go to. As I have ran all the way to his house i knocked panicking at the door. After like 15 seconds his father opened the door and told me they dont have time right now and just shut the door infront of my face without saying anything. I knew his Father hated me because im part demon but thats just rude. I turned around and saw my Father walking towards me. I was in an situation where I couldnt move. As he got closer that door behind me opened and I got pulled inside. When I realized that skeppy pulled me in I hugged him. I had tears in the corner of my eyes that were close to falling. I looked at skeppys face with terror in my eyes. Skeppy asked "Are you okay bad?.. what happened?" That just brought my tears to fall and I hugged him. I whispered to him:" My Mother is dead.. m-my father killed her.."

<Skeppy pov>

..m-my father killed her.." as I heard him stutter this out I immediately felt sorry and anger, but also.. some kind of joy..? I mean I know how miserable his Mother were but being happy about an death of another? Thats just fucking cruel. I start to rub bads back so he can calm down. About 30 minutes later I noticed that he fell asleep so I softly placed him on the couch. Anger came over me so I rushed to the phone and immediately called the police on bads father. I told them everything my friend told me and they said that theyll be there in around 3 minutes. I put a jacket on since its freezing cold outside and went to his house to cath them up. I didnt want to even look inside because I don't think im prepared to see much blood. The police came by and they investigated the house but could only find an women who made suicide..? Did Bad lie to me..? No I dont think he did. He wouldn't lie about that after all. He loves his family. As I told the doctor that its not suicide they scolded me and I had to go home. As I got there I saw bad still sleeping on the couch so I was trying to be quiet. But as my Father stepped inside the room he started shouting. "WHY THE FUCK IS THE DEMON ON MY COUCH" I said pshhh but that was to late since bad woke up. I know my Father doesnt like bad because hes a demon but that was just mean. Bad apologized immediately and walked outside before I could stop him. I shouted at my dad" DAD THATS JUST CRUEL AS FUCK! HIS MOTHER JUST DIED AND YOU KICK HIM OUT? MAN FUCK YOU, UR THE WORST!" While walking upstairs in my room. I grabbed my phone and immediately tried to call bad. No answers... I guess hes angry at me now..

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