Chapter 9- Miracles

Start from the beginning

This was one of many problems that required solving, and despite its utmost importance, it was not the most urgent. Another seemingly smaller, but potentially equally catastrophic issue was metaphorically tapping at my door: Dolores Umbridge and her recent implementation of an Educational Decree that provided her with the 'power' to eradicate any member of staff she assessed as unfit to teach at my school. Before her assessment of my staff began, I guessed that Sybil Trelawney would be at the forefront of her list. Unbeknownst to everyone, with the exception of Severus and Minerva, Sybil is in fact the only professor I would actively prevent from being removed from the castle; she was to be protected at all costs. I reassured myself that if, for whatever reason, Minerva was unable to contact me in time, then two of the brightest minds would find a way to ensure Sybil remained safe and within Hogwarts' grounds.

There were far too many things I could not foresee, and although I possessed extensive knowledge and power by way of the wand I held, I still felt powerless in many respects. But however inept I may be to alter the future, I had a responsibility to act upon the knowledge I am privy to; Sybil Trelawney would not be permitted to leave the castle and I was in the forest to ensure I had a suitable member of staff who could replace her.

I began to tread carefully as I entered a deeper section of the forest; I could hear the 'clip clop' of hooves ahead of me. I forced myself to focus on my incredibly important mission; there was no room for doubt or fear here. I slowly lifted my wand towards my wrist and saw that I had approximately 110 minutes left to explain the reason for my visit, encourage the assistance of Firenze, and for him to willingly accept my request. We would then need to escape the centaur herd unharmed and return to the Great Hall. I hoped that on this night, I could perform a miracle.

As I turned to my left, I found myself (as expected) in a small clearing in a prime position within the forest. Here, the moonlight shone down upon us, and yet we were protected by the canopy surrounding us on all sides. I say 'us' due to my now having eight centaurs for company, though four of them were standing in the shadows; there was not enough space for us all. At least one of them must have heard my coming; such is the advantage of being part horse.

"Good evening, Magorian," I greeted the leader of the centaur herd with what I hoped was a warm and calm tone.

"We were not expecting you," Magorian replied as he bent down slightly to stare into my eyes, his dark brown skin was as rich as ever.

"I do apologise," I uttered sincerely as I bowed my head and momentarily broke eye contact with him. When I lifted my gaze, I saw in the lines of his face that he was unamused and suspicious of my intentions, as he ought to be, I suppose. "I am aware I have come unexpectedly and without an invitation. Thank you for meeting me here; I had hoped that you would."

"You are aware of our ways, Dumbledore," Bane spoke as he walked towards me and stood next to Magorian. "You know we do not appreciate being intruded upon; our section of the forest is sacred to us." Then he too bent down to meet my gaze. "We do not appreciate your presence here, no matter what your reason."

I bowed towards Bane; despite his behaviour, my response needed to be polite and humble.

"You have shown me a great honour. I apologise again for arriving unexpectedly. I knew my being here would be unwelcomed, but I hope it will be brief," I explained, now glancing between each centaur I could see, which included Firenze who stood to Bane's left.

"What is it?" Ronan asked as he stepped to the other side of Magorian. I saw his eyes narrow at me, not with suspicion, but concentration as I began to speak with a renewed confidence and hope.

"Before I explain exactly why I am here, I hope you will allow me to convey once again, as I did four years ago, my utmost respect for your herd and your kind. I greatly admire Centaurs for your expertise, for your culture, and beliefs. In light of this, I hope you believe me when I say that I would not be intruding upon your territory and your privacy unless it was absolutely necessary."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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