office 🔞

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Jackson's pov
After dinner with Nicole I headed home and went straight to bed
Couple hours later I kept tossing and turning . Finally deciding to get out of bed I went to my office and started doing some paper looking  through some emails   my mind drifted off to alisia. The way her hips would sway from left to right whenever she walked or the way her lips would move and the how hot she looked with tongue piercing the things I would d- I was brought of my thoughts when my phone rang
" Hello " I answered
" Uhh hey hope I didn't wake you up or anything " Nicole said
" Ohh no I was already awake what can I do for you " I asked
" I was wondering if Ali could stay with you for a while maybe a week or so m not sure as yet . Our house is getting renovated and we didn't have anywhere else to stay so I asked you " she replied
" Oh yeah sure that's ok you guys can stay as long as want " I replied back to her
" Ok thank you she be there around 8 " she said
" Ok then " I simply replied
Walking back to my room I went and layed down on the bed letting sleep take over me

Alisia's pov
" Ali wake up " I heard mom say shaking me
" Uhh mom what's wrong " I asked
" My restaurant is taking off so I have to go to a meeting with one of my clients so your going to be staying with Jackson and also our is being renovated so we probably have to stay with him for a week " she replied
" Ohh ok so I have to pack " I asked her
" Yeah c'mom we have to get going " she said pulling the covers off of me
Getting out of bed I took a shower washed my hair brushed my teeth and then started packing. I packed a couple of tank tops , demi shorts , couple dresses and some ripped jeans. After I was finished packing I got ready

" Mom am ready " I called out to her " Ok hunny am ready too let's go " she shouted back from downstairsBringing my bags to the car I packed them in closed the front door and sat in the car waiting for mom to come

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" Mom am ready " I called out to her
" Ok hunny am ready too let's go " she shouted back from downstairs
Bringing my bags to the car I packed them in closed the front door and sat in the car waiting for mom to come. The drive to his house was about an hour and mom almost ran a red light
" Mom slow down why are you driving so fast " I asked
" I can't be late or I won't get the promotion sorry for driving so fast but we're here " she said parking on the side of the road
Getting out of the car I was drooling over his house

 The drive to his house was about an hour and mom almost ran a red light" Mom slow down why are you driving so fast " I asked" I can't be late or I won't get the promotion sorry for driving so fast but we're here " she said parking on the side of ...

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" Tell Jackson I'll see him later " mom shouted driving off
Walking towards the front door I rang the door bell waiting for someone to open it up. Looking around while I waited the door opened up revealing a shirtless Jackson with small droplets of water dripping down his to navel
" Stop staring " he said walking pass him and into the house I went towards the living room and plopped myself on the big soft couch .
" I see you've made yourself at home want anything to drink " he asked
" I'll take a beer " I said " never knew you drink does your mom know " he asked " what she doesn't know won't kill her " I replied back to him taking the beer
" I'll be upstairs doing some paper work if you need anything just take it out the fridge " he said going upstairs
Grabbing the remote I turned on the tv and started watching fifty shades of grey and it was good asf , I was about an hour into the movie and I was becoming horny walking upstairs I decided to play around little and be naughty. Walking into his office he turned around and asked I needed anything ignoring his question I walked up to his chair and sat on him. Pulling him in by his neck I crashed my lips on his , kissing me back he tangled his hand in my hair pulling it hardly now that my head was angled and my neck was exposed to him . Sucking hardly on my sweet spot I started grinding on him when I felt his hardness I went faster . " We have to be quick your mom will be home soon " he said taking off my clothes. Kissing him from his jawline to his neck he started playing with my nipples. Getting off him and getting on my knees I pulled him out and started sucking his tip " stop play with me alisia or I swear to God you won't be Cumming " he said in-between gritted teeth . Putting all of him in my mouth causing me to gag a little I heard him groan out a " fuck " underneath his breath while putting my hair to the side. Bobbing my head up and down while using my hands he brought me back to feet Bend me over the table and thrust into me. " Ahhh " I moaned out when he started sucking on my neck again . Turning me Around so that I was sitting on the table he started making hickeys on my breast
Gently pulling on his hair he groaned sending vibrations to my body . " Am gonna cum " I moaned out to him going faster body slapping sounds could be heard throughout the house . Reaching my high in a matter of seconds his movements started to become sloppy . Emptying his warm liquid into me it started running down my thighs
" That was fun " I said walking out of the and to the bathroom

Stepdaddy { Discontinued }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora